Monday, January 28, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway Carnival: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

I'm going to blame it all on Compassion.

If it wasn't for Compassion, I never would have discovered Rocks in my Dryer's blog. And if I hadn't discovered RIMD's blog I never would have felt compelled to join in the bloggy giveaway carnival .

But I did and it sounds like fun.

In the spirit of friendship, the friendship we share in the blogging community, I am giving away a copy of the DVD Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It's one of my favorite chickie flicks. So, sorry guys, but maybe there will be a giveaway for you in the future.

Just leave a comment and tell me about one of your best friends and make sure there's some way I can contact you! Thanks much!

Oh and check out the carnival for more places to win!


CPA Mom said...

I've never seen this movie and would love to win it. Honestly, my best friend passed away from cancer in February 2007. I'm blessed to have known her for so long though and know she is watching out for me still!

Susan said...


I heard this is a great movie. My best friend is Cyndy. We can watch it together!


Liz Zelie said...

I watched this movie ages ago but would love to watch it again with my best friend, even though we live across the country from each other.

Katz said...

I've been best friends with Jessicca for over 10 years. We lived around the corner from each other and now we're across the country (Thanks to the Navy).

Michelle said...

I would love to have this movie to have a girl's night with one of my best friends, Joy. Michelle
mlb at springmail dot com

Deanne said...

I met my good friend Teresa 11 years ago. I was newly married and living in a new city far from home. T and I became great friends and even though we no live hundreds of miles apart we are still close. God is so good to bless me with her friendship!

CrystalGB said...

My best friend is my cousin. She and I share a lot of the same interests and know that we can count on each other in the good times and the bad.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

We loved these books! I saw the movie with my daughter, and would love to have the dvd in our collection. Susan

Heather said...

I would love this movie! My best friend, Nancy, would love to see it with me. She is the one person who knows all about me and still wants to be my friend!

phxbne said...

My best friend now lives thousands of miles away and we are horrible correspondents, but when we catch up every 2 years it is like there was no gap.

InnaC said...

My SIL and I went to see this movie in the theather for our "girls-night-out". I'd love to watch it again with her. :)

Anonymous said...

I'll watch this w/ my daughter- Sounds like a great prize! Thanks:)

Tyna said...

What a great giveaway!

Deborah said...

please enter me! my sisters and i love these books!

Anonymous said...

I see you're hosting this contest, but you've also won my book contest! Just drop me an email with you mailing address and I'll have it out to you by this weekend. Congrats!

heidi @ ggip said...

Oh wow, I haven't seen that movie, but it looks totally fun!

Thank you and enjoy the contests!

Amy said...

I am best friends with my mom - we talk everyday and share everything. Thanks for the chance to win this great movie!

Fresh Girl said...

I met my best friend on a message board for the TV show The X-Files! In fact, she was the first person I met after I got on the Internet, way back in 1996. We're still best friends, online AND off-line, all these years later.

Please put my name in the hat! My email address is in my profile. :)

windycindy said...

Hello, I have not seen this movie, so please enter me in your contest! My sister is my best friend. Since she has retired from being a teacher, we try at least once a month to get together and have fun! A tearoom, antique shops, etc. Thanks,Cindi

Heather said...

I haven't seen the movie, but I enjoyed the book. My best friend is my mom!

Angela said...

Aww. My best friend is Dear Hubby. But enjoyed this at the theatre with DD.

Andrea said...

i've never seen this before...but i want to!

i'm from canada...can i still play?

Becca said...

I actually have never seen this movie, although I have wanted to for awhile. This would be great! Thank you!

My best friend would have to be my younger sister - we've been through a lot together!

dawn224 said...

I’d love a chance to win! Thanks! Dawn :)

(contact info - dawn at

lace said...

this is a wonderful movie. I caught part of it the other day but couldn't finish watching it.

Mystnrayne said...

Please enter me, thanks. And I don't have friends. :( lol

Anonymous said...

My best friend is "P" and we have been friends for almost 10 years. She and I can crack up with each other, give it to each other straight, etc. She's like a sister to me.

Count me in please.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Aimee Fontenot said...

well my best friend is my boyfriend. He's been there for me any time I've needed him for the past 4 years, and I don't know what I would have done without him...thanks for the giveaway

HilLesha O'Nan said...

My best friend happens to be a guy. We've been friends for almost 8 years.

mama2drama said...

This movie inspired my mom, 3 sisters, and sister in law to do the same thing with a tee this year complete with taking pics in it and writing letters. We'll be making memories for sure. These are some of my best friends.

Tia said...

My best friend is Lou; she's sat with me when my children have had operations, helped me when my daughter died, laughed with me through some of the happiest times we've had and just plain always been there.

michelle said...

I have three best of best friends who each support different parts of my is creative, one is an adventurer, and one is a great listener. I don't know what I would do without them. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Alicia said...

Please enter me....

My best friend is my cousin, Belva! She is a wonderful, caring and very supportive person!!

Thank you!

Melissa Markham said...

I have never seen this and would love to watch it:)

peg42 said...

What a great giveaway. Thanks for offering it. My best friend is someone I met 15 years ago. She is more than a sister to me. She introduced my hubby and I 15 years ago. She's Godmother to both my sons and she's everything you could hope for in a best friend. Thanks again.

Thomas said...

Amy, I am heart broken not being able to enter your little contest today. lol

By the way, I finished Randy Singer's Directed Verdict. I thought it was a good read. As soon as I am finished with the Circle Trilogy I will be getting the next book in the series.


Tressa said...

How fun!
Well, my best friend is Steph, she lives around the corner. Our bellies grew together, we had babies a day apart and now are enduring the terrible/terrific twos together.
We do like to watchs chick flicks together too! Love her!

Someone Being Me said...

That is such a cute movie. Please sign me up.

Britni said...
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Britni said...

I got this movie from one of my friends and put it in my suitcase. The suitcase ripped and the movie fell out. I'd love another copy to watch with my best friend Lauren!!

Megan said...

Thank you for this awesome giveaway, I'd love to be entered to win.

M.E. said...

I've seen it this one on cable & it's a goodie! Enter me, please!

Anonymous said...

our bookclub does a movie night throughout the year, and this is one i know they'd all love!

Killlashandra said...

My step daughter said this was a fun movie and I still haven't had a chance to see it. Please sign me up and maybe I'll get lucky. : )

Pricousins said...

this is one of my favorite books! I tend to read the books before I see the movies! I never saw this movie! yeah...believe it or not! My best friend is my sister, Amy, who lives in Tacoma, WA, and I am in Maryland! Have a great day! and thanks!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

One of my BFFs is Jaime. She painted my toenails and gave me a fab pedicure after I had emergency surgery to remove a brain tumor. To play with my toes at the tail end of winter is true love.


peppylady (Dora) said...

please put my name in the hat for your give away.

Nise' said...

My best friends are my mom and my daughter.

Qtpies7 said...

I love that movie! My daughters and I rented it a long time ago.
I don't have one "best" friend, but I have a group of best friends, Jody, Sarah and Jeannie. We are close and have so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Great movie.

I have giveaways up on my blog.

melissa said...

have heard great things about this movie.

Anonymous said...

I've read the book, but not seen the movie. I have several best friends, but the closest one would have to be Serena.

Re said...

Great contest! I want to win!! my best friend is now married with a baby..this would be great for us to reconnect

a boy a girl and a pug said...

Great movie!

Anonymous said...

Sounds Great
Enter me please for the giveaway!

JaniceJ said...

I have never seen this movie, but would like to. My best friend is Janet, we have been friends since age 4, long ago!

Anonymous said...

What a great movie! Kim and I have been best friend since 2nd grade. Since we live in different states now we don't see each other as much as we wish ..but we are still close in heart and friendship :)

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

enter me please!

Janelle said...

I would love to watch this with Pam!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I've never heard of the movie, but if you say it's good. I believe you. Enter my name please.

If I win, please contact me at dmj53 at hotmail dot com. Thank you.

ahiltz said...

Oh my gosh! I forgot to see that movie and heard it was really good! I wanted to see that, too! Thanks so much for doing this!

Marcia said...

My best friend married my cousin and she's 3 months pregnant!! YAY!!

Ames said...
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Ames said...

One of my best friends - Theresa!! I love this movie - I watched it with my other best friend - Joelle :)

Snowbird said...

I love Amber Tamblyn who is in this movie and I've never seen the movie---so, I would really love to win this.

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

I met one of my best friends in college. She is now my daughter's godmother, even though we live in different states, which makes us lonely for each other.

Contessa Kris said...

My mom is one of my best friends. We have the same tastes in movies and love watching them together. We would enjoy this!

Katie B said...

I enjoyed reading the "Traveling Pants" books, and I'd love to win the DVD! My best friend is my husband. He knows more about me than anyone else--good and bad--and he still loves me and wants to spend time with me.

Char said...

I've had a best friend since a sleepover in grade 9. We met and hit it off, and have never looked back. We now live in the same town again, and have 9 kids between us. She is a total blessing!!

Anonymous said...

Some of my best friends are ones who live very far away. We met on a Jane Austen e-mail group when I was 14, and 10 years later we still have great conversations and get together in person whenever we can.

I've seen this movie once and enjoyed it... I'd love to add it to my personal collection!

Mama Said Sew said...

Sounds like a great movie for my mother and I to watch together.

Anonymous said...

What a great movie...what a great giveaway. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

One of my very best friends was the very first person that we told when we found out we were expecting, one of the first when we knew it was twins. She was also there for me when our babies were stillborn at 20 weeks. She is closer to me than a sister! She has always been there in the best of times, and also in the worst.

Trina and Jophie said...

Count me in!


The Modest Momma said...

Count me in please. My best friend is my husband! He is always there for me, and listens to me even when he dosn't want to. And he loves me no matter how I look in the morning!

sweetsue said...

My boyfriend is my best friend; and has been for over 12 years.

Lettie said...

I've never seen this!

GiBee said...

My best friend is my SIL ... she's so bubbly, funny, and easy to be with. We'd have a wonderful time watching this together!

Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing!

Tracy DeLuca said...

My daughter and I love this movie. We enjoyed the books as well. I would love to give this to her!

Angela said...

My best friend is my older sis...she doesn't JUDGE me and I can tell her anything...she has the best hospitality (towards me anyways)
btw - I have never seen that movie! but it looks good!

Shama-Lama Mama said...

Oh wow! I would love this! I really like two of the young actresses in it, and have been meaning to check it out! Thanks!

Shama-Lama Mama said...

Oh heck, I was so excited I forgot to mention my best friend Pam! She has seen me through good and bad and is a great support.

Count my previous entry so I don't have two. Thanks!

Chelsea said...

I'd love to see this!

goalmom said...

My sister and I fought like crazy when we were growing up. I never would have thought we'd grow up to become best friends.

The Mom of 'em said...

My best friend is my husband...but my best GIRLfriend is Stacy/Kelly/Kim

Anonymous said...

My best friend and I met when she was 6 months and I was a year old. My mother started babysitting for her then... and what started as a casual business relationship turned into some of the best friendships my family has ever had. Even though Jamie and I are complete opposites, we are more like sisters than friends and I know that she will be there for every major event in my life!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I have two *new* best friends who are moms like me... we've fallen into being more like family than friends, and I couldn't get through these weeks without them. Thanks for the contest!

Taryn said...

My best friend is my hubby :)

Sahm Lee said...

My best friend is my mom. We are such nuts!

Ginny said...

My best friend is my hubby, I had my first daughter very young & lost all of my girlfriends :) I haven't seen this movie, but would love to.

Angela S said...

I know my sister used to always talk about this movie but I've not seen it. I'd love to win though and watch it with her. thanks for offering!

Marly said...

I have lunch with my two best friends every week. One is a radio personality, one is a university vice president, and I am a stay-at-home-mom. What a combo!

Suz said...

My best friend and I have been friends since 6th grade. We're in different cities working in the "real world" now, but we still remain best friends.

Katie said...

My best friend is Jamie. Please enter me . katie_mmartin [at] yahoo (dot) com

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

I've known my best friend for 24 years. She is the strongest, most compassionate, and FUNNIEST chick EVER. I am truly blessed to have her in my life. Thanks for entering me!

Hedi said...

Please count me in!

Is it open to europe?

noreen said...


Sarah said...

I'd love to see this movie.

My sister and I weren't close when we were younger, but since becoming mothers, we've become best friends as well.

T'aowyn said...

I love this movie and have been wanting to get the set.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

Tes283 said...

Thank you for this great Give-a-way. Purse is cute, thank you.

Hélène said...

My best friend is my husband. He has always been there for me in my most dark depressions.

Chastity said...

I have never seen this movie! I would love to though. Maybe I could watch it w/ Kim and 2 best friends!! They are great!!

heather h said...

I have the sweetest little friend I met while first year teachers, and we're still best friends to this day. She is hundreds of miles away, but I love her!

Anonymous said...

my best friend is my hubby who willingly sits through chick flicks with me!

Sassyfrazz said...

I would love to win this movie!
My bestest girly friend is Jennifer! She holds me accountable is so many areas of my life.
Thanks for a great giveaway! I hope to win!
Come check out the three contests I have going on right now!
sharvey at connections-etc dot net

Karen said...

My best friend lives over 600 miles away:( But we always have blogging, email, phone, and myspace, LOL:0 When we do see each other though, it is as though no time has passed. Thanks!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Shana said...

My BFF is my SIL! How lucky am I? Thanks for this great giveaway and be sure to check out my giveaway on my blog!

e-mail ...
blog ...

Danielle said...

My BFF is Jenn and she is the BEST!
Count me in!
dansan826 @

ukrainiac said...

Well, my best friend is my husband. But my best GIRL friend and I now live 7 time zones from each other. I'm thankful for e-mail, as you can imagine!

Williams' Family said...

I love this movie!!!!!

Jess B said...

We've been friends since 4th grade....I'm not gonna tell ya exactly how long that is, but it's a LOOOOOONG time. There's so much we've been thru together. I can't imagine life without her.

Audra Marie said...

One of my best friends is online. We've been friends for years, but haven't been able to bring our families together yet. Someday!

Thanks for the chance to win! :)


Jon and Sarah said...

I have been friends with my penpal since 7th grade. As freshman in college, we finally met and have kept close ever since.

Susan said...

My best friend and I have been friends since we were 11. This was a great story! Would love to win.

Unknown said...

I love this movie please enter me. My best friend is Angie she lives out of state now but we still keep in touch. My little girl was born on her birthday which is neat

Britt said...

I have always wanted to see this movie but haven't yet! My best friends are my mom & my sister, it would be so fun to watch this with them!

Kathie said...

My best friend is my husband of 30 years. Love that man. Count me in.

JewelsHud said...

I am not sure about a best friend but like the movie i have a sort of sisterhood of friends that are always there fore me! Thanks for the giveaway!


Maren said...

I love this movie!

Anonymous said...

My friend keeps telling me to watch this movie - I would love to win it on DVD. Thank you for this amazing giveaway and please enter me!

Heather said...

I have heard good things about this movie and I would love to see it.

Anonymous said...

Love the movie and the books! Hope I win!

Phyllis Sommer said...

ooh i love the movie. hope i win:-)

glimpsed said...

I love that movie :P
My best friend would have to be my twin sister. She and i are soo close :)

megret7 said...

Loved this movie!!! Count me in ! ( )

Jennifer said...

Shell is my best friend - really a sister I always wanted, but never had! I love this movie and I'd love to win, so please count me in. Thanks for the chance. Have a great Friday!

Jennifer :-)

Linda SS said...

I have a lot of friends, but my best friend is my mother. She always makes time for me & we love to watch movies together. Thanks for the chance to win this one so mom & I can enjoy it together.

Uniquely Yours said...

This is too cute. My best friend, Jenn is currently going through a rough patch. Her husband has been diagnosed with cancer.

Angela said...

OOO ive never seen it and ive always heard it was wonderful!

Unknown said...

Thank-YOU for being so generous! Please include me!


Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this one. I often watch movies together with my best friend. We come from different countries and found ourselves living abroad. Thanks!

joasik1 at hotmail dot com

Theresa N. said...

My best friend and I meet at age 2 and have been friends every since, we both move around alot so have never lived close to each other again.

/\Heather/\ said...

I met one of my best friends on stage. She was a choreographer and I was new to theater. Now, she and I can laugh so hard at each other, we almost pee ourselves.

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