Friday, February 29, 2008

A New Pet Peeve

Now that I have switched to google reader, I've discovered a BRAND NEW pet peeve. (oh lucky me!)

Partial feeds. Because let's face it folks, how does that really help me save time? And there is only one major reason I can think of to do that. Advertising.....

So, tell me if I'm wrong...what might be another reason to do partial feed?

On that gracious note of mine, the final post in the Compassion series will be coming later today.


The Secret Life of Kat said...

Amen! I can't stand partial feeds either..

Krista said...

Well, I do think that some people do it to avoid "rip offs" since you can set feeds to post on other sites. This is usually just the more popular blogs though. And I agree, it's totally annoying and usually leads to me commenting less. Although if they're that popular I usually don't feel the need to comment anyway.
The most annoying is when someone I've gotten used to reading in the feed switches to partial. Ugh.

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