Last year, I participated in the 40 Day Fast and it was an incredible experience. This year, in light of our difficult economic times, the presidential race, and world events I feel it will be even better. (You can read my post from last year here)
The 40 Day Fast, in short, is a time when we as bloggers choose to focus on someone's needs other than our own....we use our blogs to highlight different hardships and organizations working to meet needs around the world.
You can participate, too!
Read more here.
Sign up here.
We will be selecting the list of host bloggers on Thursday night, but everyone will have a part who wants to--so be sure to sign up!
If you don't feel comfortable signing up for a day, you can add a widget to your blog that will give you the feed to the fast. Or you can add a button. Either one will help us get the word out.
Lastly, if you don't have a blog, don't despair! You can still participate by following along, praying for the bloggers fasting and their causes, and even fasting on days when the Spirit leads.
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