Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Book Buzz Tag: General Market

I am stealing this idea from Becky Miller at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. I am doing one for general market books because I just love the idea of this meme so much! (and quite frankly I know more general market book bloggers--it's actually really hard for me to separate the two because I read a good mix of both!)

Here's the idea (you can copy this paragraph to use in your post):
I am going to list three categories of books. 3 MUST Read Books, 3 Keep Your Eyes on These, and 3 Look For These Soon. Keeping with the theme, I am going to tag at least 3 bloggers. They should put these same lists on their blog but SUBTRACT one book from each list and ADD one of their own. Then they should tag at least 3 more bloggers. It will be fun to see how the lists change as it goes around the blogosphere. Please come back to this post and leave a comment so I can see how the lists are changing as they go around the blogosphere. Since this is Book Buzz...please keep your lists to titles released in 2007-2009.

3 MUST Read Books:
The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson
Somebody Else's Daughter by Elizabeth Brundage
The Bone Garden by Tess Gerritsen

3 Keep Your Eyes on These:
The Memory of Water by Karen White
Seeing Me Naked by Liza Palmer
Names my Sisters Call Me by Megan Crane

3 Look For These Soon:
The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti
Songs for the Missing by Stewart O'Nan
Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott

I tag...
Julie at Booking Mama!
J. Kaye at J.Kaye's Book Blog
Shana at Literarily
Jennifer at Literate Housewife

I hope you guys play along!


Anonymous said...

Amy, Mine's up!. This is fun and I can't wait to see where it goes!

Anonymous said...

Literate Housewife tagged me, love the meme. My response is here.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say *thank you* for saying Living Dead Girl is a "Look For These Soon" book!

Kathleen Gilligan said...

Hi I was tagged by The Literate Housewife :)

My answers are up here.

Anonymous said...

What fun, Amy!

Mine is HERE.


Anonymous said...

Jen at Devourer of Books tagged me - here's my response!

Julie P. said...

I posted mine!


Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Here's my post.

Anonymous said...

Here's mine:
(It's the second half of the post.)

Anonymous said...

Mine is finished.

softdrink said...

What a wonderful idea!


Anonymous said...

I so hope I did this right. My meme is here.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Amy. I was tagged by Rebecca at readerville. I'm still working on it, but I've added my titles to the mix here.

Anonymous said...

Okay I'M GOING to give this a try but where it says KEEP your eye on these is this books you plan to read next or books that are on your night stand?

Suey said...

Hey there! I have a list... but it's morphed a bit since it started to five on the list!


Anonymous said...

I was tagged by Biblioaddict, here is my post with my choices: http://susanflynn.blogspot.com/2008/08/book-meme.html
thanks, it was fun! and more challenging than I thought

Jandy said...

Another tag - Jandy's Reading Room.

Now I have to check other readers' lists.

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