Friday, August 29, 2008

Field Report

It's quite possible you enjoy writing as I do, and have considered taking your writing to the next step. There's a new website out there, that will help you see what others think about your writing's called Field Report.

The Basic Idea behind this site is that you write about personal experiences (your field reports on life) and submit them for review to the site. Your post will be reviewed by other users who will rate it. Each month, one field report will be chosen in each of 21 categories for a prize of 1,000 dollars! So really it's a fun way to get some feedback on your writing/blogging with possible monetary compensation. There's a grand prize you can aim for as well of 250,000 dollars.

This all might seem a little overwhelming at first, so I suggest going to the site and checking out the FAQ for more information on how to get started with this fun new project!

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