Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Review: A Passion Redeemed by Julie Lessman

About the Book: Depth of beauty … shallow of heart, Charity O’Connor is a woman who gets what she wants. She sets her sights on a man who wants nothing to do with her, and although the sparks are there, he refuses to fan the coals of a potential relationship with a woman who ruined his life. Charity burned him once, destroying his engagement to the only woman he ever truly loved. He won’t play with matches again. But Charity has a plan to turn up the heat, hoping to ignite the heart of the man she loves. And she always gets what she wants—one way or another.

My Review: Early this year when I read A Passion Most Pure, I was gripped by the story. It had all the elements I love in a book, great characters, fantastic romantic tension, an epic love story, perfect pacing, and gorgeous prose. expectations were pretty high for A Passion Redeemed. I couldn't wait to see how Julie was going to transform Charity into a character worth rooting for (well I actually didn't mind her in a APMP), and get her together with the hero...a character I liked a lot from A Passion Most Pure.

When the book showed up, I squealed and did a little dance and got that wonderful new book euphoria that is so rare, and only comes from that series and author you love. ;) Like, the last time I felt that way was probably the release of the last book of Harry Potter.

I dove right in. And....

I LOVED IT. In fact, I would say that the book far exceeded my expectations.

WARNING!! If you have not read A Passion Most Pure spoilers follow! If you have, please go ahead and keep reading!

Charity is back, and in fine form, and oh so desperate to turn the head of Mitch Dennehy. And well, Mitch is none too thrilled with the reality of his attraction for her. Because, oh yes, is he attracted to her. But he cannot forget her cunning and devious ways and the small little detail that she is responsible for him losing the woman he loved. But Charity is determined and willing to go to any lengths to win his love. In her favor, she is apparently the most beautiful woman to walk the planet. There isn't a male character in this book that doesn't lust after her!

The story is gorgeously told. The characters leap off the page, I really felt like I was right there with them, I could imagine each scene so perfectly. But even more than that, I could feel each scene. I laughed, I cried...tears streamed down my face at times, and I felt like I had been through quite the experience by the end of the book.

Which, by the way, I tore through and immediately wanted the next book. The O'Connors feel like family, I love the vivid family scenes. I can't wait to find out more about each one of them, and the tiny seeds planted in this book for the next one have me very eager.

Did Julie succeed in turning Charity into a likeable character? I think so. In fact, I think many of the issues and challenges that Charity encounters are issues that many young women face today. Charity is a great beauty which is a benefit to her, but also a curse in some ways. Julie deals with that reality in this story in a way that will break your heart.

There are books that engage your mind, and then there are books that engage your heart and set up residence there. A Passion Redeemed is a heart book and I envy those of you who have yet to devour this delicious series for the first time. I can't recommend it enough.

Mark my words...Julie Lessman is the future of this genre and I expect that we will be seeing her name everywhere in the years to come.

Leave a comment on this post to earn anther entry into my Daughters of Boston giveaway...which you can read more about right here!


Julie P. said...

I liked the first one in the series too! I can't wait to read this one!

Serena said...

I have not read either of these books, but your tantalizing intro to this one has me intrigued about both of them. I have no idea how many entries I have into this contest, but I would love to have another one with this comment. :)

Dev said...

These books definitely sound like something I would love to curl up with. Thanks so much for posting about these!

photoquest said...

I haven't read either one of these books but you have really done a excellent joy on your review. It's made me feel like i am missing out that i haven't read them. I'm hoping i'll get picked in your contest so i'll get to read these if not i will definately be on the hunt for them. Hope this will be another slip in the hat for the drawing LoL:)

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

You make this sound like an incredible story. I'm going to check my library and see if both books are available.

Susan Anne Mason said...

The covers alone of these beautiful books have intrigued me. The comparison to Scarlet O'Hara has also hooked me. Can't wait to read both of these books.


Julie Lessman said...

Okay, I know authors don't normally do this, but then I have never been accused of being normal!!

Amy, I just have to tell you that your review made me cry which, admittedly, is not hard to do with a menopausal basketcase like me, but I am forever indebted to you for your incredibly kind words!! I am quoting them to everyone I can (at least the last line ... uh, not the "leave a comment" line, the "mark my words" one!! :)) and posting it on my Web site. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to all you wonderful ladies who are commenting that you would like to read it -- BLESS YOU!!!!! :)


Krista said...

Okay, trying very hard NOT to read your review since I just started this one! ;)

Ronnica said...

I'll be reading the first book this next week or so. I'm pleased to know that you liked it and it's sequel!

Anonymous said...

I haven't got to read this story but I can't wait to! I will be reading it very soon. It looks very good. Historical fiction is my favorite type of books. From everything, I have seen Julie Lessman shows a real passion for the books she writes.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I can't leave a very relevant comment while trying to avoid spoilers, but I'd really like to read these books! I will have to get the first one in any case if I don't win - I gather you really like them. =)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the first book and would love to read the second. Please enter me into the contest

danelli04 [at] hotmail [dot]com

Anonymous said...

this was a great review Amy :) LOL makes me really more anxious to hopefully get the (or win the book!). lol i've not really left my email addresses in all the comments but has not changed!

christianlit at hotmail dot com :)

Nise' said...

I can't wait to read this book! I am glad that Charity turned out to be a likeable woman! Wonderful review.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Amy. Thanks for the review! I loved A PASSION MOST PURE, and I know I'll love A PASSION REDEEMED, too! I'm so glad Mitch is back in this one. Please enter me in the contest. I must read this next book!

Anonymous said...

Oops! Sorry, I was the ANONYMOUS above, who didn't leave a name or email. Please enter me in the contest. I loved the first book, and HAVE to read the second.

Deborah Piccurelli

Pamela J said...

Looks pretty tough to maybe get enough points to win in this week long contest. I just thought I'd share, since I'm pretty shy, that even though when.. and I say WHEN.. I get my book, A Passion Redeemed, you might not hear anything though I'll be squealing and doing a little dance (on the inside) one does from receiving a wonderful new book that only comes from a series and author I love. ;)I'm ready to dive into reading it... SOON! Please enter me for another point. Thanks.
Pam Williams cepjwms at yahoo dot com

windycindy said...

Lovely book cover and fabulous review. I enjoy this author immensely and now you have made me want to read about Charity even more. Most of the time, I wear my heart on my sleeve. Being menopausal, I can cry at the drop of a pin!
Please enter me in your book drawing. I appreciate it. Thanks, Cindi

Anonymous said...

you make the books sounds like must-reads! I love books like that :)

Julie Lessman said...

Krista, Ronnica, Alycia Meghan, Danelle, Christian Lit and Nise' -- thanks SO much for dropping by to leave a comment, and I hope you like the books when you read them!

Deb, Pamela J, Cindy and Stamped ... soooo good to see your names among my comments again, my friend!! Thanks for coming by.


Jennifer Crosswhite said...

PMP was such a terrific book. And you're right that the O'Connors really do come to feel like family. Can't wait to read the finished version of the latest (as one of Julie's crit partners, I got a sneak peek while it was in process). If you like historical romance, these are definitely the books for you.

Angie said...

Gosh, I have heard such good things about this series so I suppose the next step is to add them to my ever going wish list. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm getting super excited to read these. Thanks for the chance!

Ramya said...

the more i read about the books.. the more i want them!:) thanks for the chance to win these books!:)

Krista said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I loved the first book A Passion Most Pure. Cant wait until I read the second book. And see how Julie turns Charity into the character people like.

Anonymous said...

I can not wait to read this ONE!! The first in this series was amazing and when I got to the last page I was still wiping tears from my eyes!!
I love this book! And I have about three others that can not wait to read it.
Way to go Julie!
Meredith Mc

Anonymous said...

JEN!!! Thanks SO much for stopping by -- I'm anxious to see what you think of the rest of A Passion Redeemed!

Angie -- yes, a wish list is a VERY good place to put my novels!! :) Thank you!!

Elizabeth and Ramya -- Good! Then our ploy is working ... to entice as many people as possible with the family saga of the VERY passionate O'Connors!! :)

Anonymous and Meredith -- Oh, I am THRILLED you enjoyed book 1. Okay, let's see if Charity can win your hearts ... :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Julie! It's Autumn! :) Just wanted to say again how much i love your books! I can't put them down! I spent three hours reading trying to finish book two! I felt like i couldn't read fast enough! LOL I can't wait until the third one comes out! I'm sure it going to be fabulous! You are such a sweet person and it shows through your writing. Thanks again for the prayers! -autumn

Anonymous said...

I really love this author. Please enter me in the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I just loved the first book. I can't wait to read this one.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read this one. Her first book was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, got the email wrong on Pauline. She's at gmail not yahoo.

Anonymous said...

dear Julie Lessman. I enjoyed reading your book but didnt like the story characters (especially in the opening chapters) in a public house. Also there was quite a few swear words in the book. Cant really understand how its called a christian novel and how it can be found in christian book shops. I would like to read more of your novels if the next one didnt contain so many words that as christians we shouldnt use.

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