Sunday, September 21, 2008

BBAW Award Winners 2008

I stole this directly from OCD, vampires, and amusing rants, oh my!

Best Book Club Blog - Reading Group Guides
Best Design - Bookgasm
Best Nonfiction Blog - A Striped Armchair
Most Eclectic Taste - Bookgasm
Funniest/Most Humorous Blog - Rip My Bodice
Best Kidlit Blog - Well Read Child and Jen Robinson's Book Page
Best Romance Blog - Smart Bitches, Trashy Books
Best Name for a Blog - Bookgasm
Best Challenge Host - The Hidden Side of the Leaf
Best Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi/Spec-Fic Blog - Fantasy Book Critic
Best History/Historical Fiction Blog - Medieval Bookworm
Best Community Builder - My Friend Amy
Best Published Author Blog - Neil Gaiman
Best Cookbook Blog - Books and Cooks
Best Literary Fiction Blog - Caribou's Mom
Best Book Published in 2008 - The Host by Stephenie Meyer
Best YA Blog - Bookshelves of Doom
Best Community Book Site - Good Reads
Most Chatty - Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin?
Best Thriller/Mystery/Suspense Blog - Bookgasm
Most Extravagant Giveaways - Maw Books
Most Concise - Bookgasm
Best Christian/Inspirational Fiction Blog - Free Spirit Blogs
Best Meme/Carnival/Event - Book Blogger Appreciation Week
Best Commenter/Commentator - Musings of a Bookish Kitty and Rip My Bodice
Most Altruistic Blog - Maw Books
Best General Book Blog - Bookgasm
Best Publishing/Industry Blog - Galley Cat


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of the BBAW Blog Winners and again, Amy thanks for your efforts!

Ladytink_534 said...

Congrats again to all the winners (and the losers too)!

Anonymous said...

Hey, awesome! I didn't know that I'd won until just now!

Anonymous said...

A huge congratulations to all the winners!

I've found so many new blogs through BBAW. Now to organize my Google Reader!

Serena said...

Congrats to the BBAW winners!

Dewey said...

Congratulations to all!

Just a teensy thing, Amy. My blog is The Hidden Side of *a* Leaf, not *the* leaf. :)

Ms. Yingling said...

Wow! What a great list. This gives me a whole lot of reading to do.

Anonymous said...

Hee! I just saw this now. Man, I'm getting some mileage out of my list-making obsession. Thanks so much for putting the whole thing together, Amy!

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