Monday, October 27, 2008

Some Things I Love Bloggy Giveaway Carnival

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

My 3 year blogiversary came and went with little fanfare. So did my 1000th post. I decided this time I wanted to do something exceptionally fun for the bloggy giveaway carnival. My hope obviously is that a few of you will stick around and get to know me better. So to help you along with that, I've put together a little bundle of things that I love.

If you win this giveaway, you'll get...

A Passion Redeemed by Julie Lessman (my favorite book of the year so far)
A copy of Andrew Peterson's newest album Resurrection Letters (I love Andrew Peterson's music)
A small blank journal with a Christmas theme (I'm a Christmas fanatic)
A bottle opener with a LOST design (got this off Etsy) (I LOVE LOST)
A set of chopsticks from Japan (I love Japan!)

I also love God but can't think of something to give you that symbolizes that...maybe just the act of giving does. ;) enter please leave me a comment with a valid email address and tell me, based on these items, if we have anything in common! Also, I can only ship to the United States and Canada.

I will be having giveaways throughout the week...for example I have a one day giveaway starting tomorrow for 4 books that I can't enter into the carnival since it doesn't meet the requirements so I hope you'll come back!

(You can enter more giveaways know you want to!)


Anonymous said...

I love LOST too... my BF got me hooked! Can you send me the Etsy link?

(i think you already have my email, but just in case: monnibo AT hotmail DOT com

Alexis Jacobs said...

I love love love LOST! That would rock. And I am moving to Japan in January (my husband is already there) so those chopsticks would really come in handy. And I love to read so the books are right up my ally.

I am excited for this week!

Chrisbookarama said...

Yep, another Lost fan here. Can't wait until the new year for the new season.

Linda said...

Obviously a love of reading is something we have in common. I'm intrigued by the inclusion of a blank journal. I love keeping journals - I have a daily "what's happening" journal, and two reading journals: one of personal reviews, one of quotes I want to save. Great giveaway!

Lesa said...

Hi Amy,

Another Christmas fanatic here. In our family, the women get a quilt when they get married, and I asked that mine have a Christmas theme. Plus, the blank journal. I just love them, and have a hard time stopping myself from buying attractive journals. Thanks for the giveaway, and congratulations on your anniversary.

Mistress Meeyee said...

Sure we have something in common but that is because I love everything.Most anything can make me happy and I also am spiritual.
Good giveaway question!

Anonymous said...

What a fun giveaway! I love Christmas, too! milou2ster(at)gmail(dot)com.

Anonymous said...


Chopsticks from Japan! I have 3 sets on my desk that are decorative and just for me! I keep saying that I'll use them.. but, never do! They're just too pretty. Then, I say I'll use them in my long hair.... no, they're just to pretty.

My twins and I are sushi fiends (sp?)! But, I've been out of work for several months and we're on a sushi withdrawl right now. It's worse than I could have possibly imagined... no sushi and sashimi!

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE MY journals. I've kept hand-written diaries since I was 13. They are all red, red and green, or are black with red and green on them. That might be close to what you have! Actually, I'm starting to write a novel.. doing it by hand, in pencil. I heard it takes 10 years. I'll need a lot of journals!


Alicia said...

I am also a Christmas fanatic. Most people are, but my family is full of Scrooges so I have to compensate and get extra cheerful during Christmas :) This is such a great giveaway!

adw7984 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I meant "too pretty..." (oops)

Cindy W said...

Okay, We love Christmas and God. That's what we have in common, I am not a Christmas freak, but I love the season. Congrats on your milestone!


Thomas said...

You probably can guess one of the things we have in common. Since I already have Resurrections vol II, please withdraw my name from that give away. One of my favorite classes in college was Japanese history. Since I cannot use chop sticks and the odds of me making it Japan is quite low, please withdraw my name from that drawing.


Thomas said...

Oh, I forgot to mention the most important thing we have in common. We both love God. Everything fails in comparison to that.


shelburns said...

We have Christmas in common! I love everything Christmas, the reason for the season, the decorations, the giving, etc...

Jenny said...

I love Christmas too, and I have been meaning to learn how to make sushi, which I would need chopsticks to eat! I just tried sushi recently and LOVE it.


Stacie said...

Well, I love Christmas and I love journaling and keeping track of our family traditons at Christmas. Congrats on your blogiversary!

Toiling Ant said...

I like sushi, does that count? ;-)

Amber said...

We have a lot in common - Christmas is my favorite holiday and Lost is my favorite TV show! Plus, I love traveling, so it is cool that you are giving away chopsticks from Japan!


Anonymous said...

I'm a big lost fan too!

What's next said...

LOVE Christmas, love lost, love travel!
thanks for a great give away!

pamelarm said...

I love Christmas too; my hubby is refusing to let me put up the tree yet though! Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

Based on that list, we have quite a bit in common. I haven't read that Lessman book, but I'm guessing I'd like it; what I've heard of Andrew Peterson's music I've liked; I love Christmas (I've already played through a few Christmas music albums, including the one we bought last week, by Sixpence); I like Etsy, does that count?; and I really love Asia. Oh, and I love God, too. How's that?

WordLily AT gmail

ohAmanda said...

OK, LOST! My fave...along w/reading, journals and Christmas! If you had some chocolate in there I'd be wondering if this was MY blog! ;)

Wanda said...

One....I love to journal...and Christmas is my favorite time of year. local mayor travels to Japan and brought me back a cool japanese the chopsticks....sound like something I need. hahaha

Becky said...

I'd love to be entered! Thanks :) I just love, love, love Andrew Peterson!

Kathleen said...

I love Christmas too (and my mom loves lost!)
callista83 AT cogeco DOT ca
PS - I got the book I won during BBAW, thanks!

Rebecca said...

I just bought A Passion Redeemed for my Secret Sister but would love to read it myself. Christmas is my favorite holiday. And I'm a huge LOST fan - I can't wait till it starts again in the new year.

Anonymous said...

Well. I used to watch LOST until my local Time Warner cable company had a disagreement with our local NBC channel, and now I don't get any NBC shows. I know you can watch them on the computer, but it's just not the same........


Erin Lowmaster said...

Did I hear someone say LOST?!?!?!?! Everything in your giveaways looks like so much fun and would be super to stuff down someone I knows stocking this year!

What a sweetheart for offering up this yummy treat basket! I would love to win this so I can share the joy with those near and dear to me!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Hi Amy. I love coming to your blog and checking it out daily. The things we have in common are: Christmas-I love Christmas and anything to do with it. I love to write in my journal daily. I love listening to music. God is important to me.


James & Andrea said...

I really enjoy Christian Literature too. I'm reading a great series by Barbara Kingsolver. It's perfect for a cold afternoon on a sick day. Thanks for this giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I also love reading, LOST, and God! Chopsticks are always cool too. :)

.Books by TJ Baff said...

Great contest.

Nise' said...

We both love LOST and can't wait for its return. Loving the Daughter's of Boston series too. Hoping to go to Japan. My niece is teaching there at a Christian School.

altermyworld said...

LOST is wonderful i can't wait for it to start again.

freeshopper said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

409cope said...

I love Christmas,music, reading, and Chinese food. That's pretty close.

Unknown said...

I love Lost! And Japanese is my favorite food. Reading is my favorite past time and I always enjoy being introduced to new authors.

Kathie said...

Wow! What great give away items. I love LOST too. Would love to enter the drawing. I do not live in the USA, but do have a USA mailing address. May I enter?

Judy said...

I'm a total Christmas fanatic, too! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Denise said...

I Love God too :-) Love the sound of that book (might have to check Amazon if I don't win this), I love using chopsticks when we eat take out, and my hubby thinks I'm crazy and insists on a fork still. I love to journal, and I love LOST! Of course I love Christmas too, and I LOVE your act of Giving. Thank you for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I also like Andrew Peterson's music and we are both fans of lost and christmas! Thanks for entering me.

Jenn said...

I love God, too! I was just introduced to Andrew Peterson's music this week and I love it!



Stonefox said...

I use chopsticks every day. Plus I love reading! Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I love LOST and sushi- I think we'd get along just fine!

oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com

windycindy said...

Hi! Such a fabulous prize package giveaway. Belated best wishes on your 3rd blogiversary and your 1000th post! I enjoy reading Julie Lessman books,
won't miss an episode of "Lost", adore the Christmas holidays and my husband travels to Japan on business (we get such wonderful surprises when he returns home)! Please enter me in your drawing. I really appreciate it! Many thanks.....Cindi

Anonymous said...

Hi! I love to read, and have wanted to read some of the Julie Lessman's books for a while now. I could use the break from schoolbooks that I usually have to read!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Lori said...

I'm looking foward to checking out your blog! I love finding out what a person's favorites are - you learn so much about them. :)

Anonymous said...

I love Christmas so much, I'm already listening to Christmas music!

sundaygirl at gmail dot com

Laura said...

I love the Lord!

Jackie B. said...

Yes, we have lots in common---mostly that we both love books. I am sorry but I cannot relate to LOST. I have never watched it but I have heard such good things about it. I am sure I would love it too!

Dee said...

I LOVE to read and I LOVE to jot down my thoughts! AND...I LOVE GOD too!!! So it looks like we have lots in common.....though I got "lost" on lost in the 2nd season! I think I missed an episode or 2!

Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie said...

I too am a Christmas fanatic!! I've already excited for this year and have start wrapping presents already!

Kimberly said...

I LOVE Christmas! It's my favorite time of year.

My father was stationed in Japan when I was a baby/toddler and I have a few things from Japan like a Giesha doll, two beautiful little porcelin dolls, a gorgeous jewelry box and some stuff dogs (plush, not real).

We have those things in common.

Thanks for the giveaway!

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Dixie said...

I love Japan and Lost also-and did you mention Etsy? I love shopping there-you can find all kinds of neat, wonderful things.


the schros said...

i'm in katelynthames AT yahoo DOT com

Suzanne said...

I'm also fascinated by Japan

rebecca said...

Wow! It seems like we have a bit in common. :)
I've never heard of Julie Lessman, but I love Andrew Peterson! I went to a tiny concert of his at a college cafe a few years back... there couldn'y have been more than 75 people there. It was great to get to talk to him. I don't have that album yet... I love both journaling and Christmas! I love LOST and I love chopsticks! (never been to Japan)

Sounds like a winner!

gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

momofmhasr said...

I would diffenitly say the act of giving says your love for God. Thanks for doing this.

Ashley said...

I love Japan. I'm studying the language right now and I can't wait until I can actually save up the money to take a trip over there.

RebekahC said...

I absolute love to read, so we connect on that level. I love to listen to music, but that's a pretty basic connection. Still a connection though. LOL I love to write and keep a journal, but in all honesty I've been very bad about that last part lately. Maybe if I won I'd keep up by using the blank journal included in the prize.
I am a huge LOST fan, so there's another similarity. And lastly, I know how to eat with chopsticks because I grew up in China, and I've actually been on vacation to Japan before. It was awesome! So, there's our similarities. :P

Thanks for the entry, and as always, thanks for this awesome site. Whether you're just sharing a post or hosting a giveaway, I can never wait to see what you have to share on a day to day basis. Yours is one of the blogs I have to check daily. :)


Anonymous said...

I love Christmas and Japan! I would love to visit Japan someday. I'm hoping at some point to get a Bento box.

Katie Stacey said...

I love Lost too!

Anonymous said...

Hello there! I love God too, and your act of giving certainly defines that! I'm a christmas fanatic too! I'm always the first to start singing the carols... please enter me in your contest. Thanks!

Marie said...

I'm a Christmas fanatic too -- so we certainly have that in common :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm a reader, too. I lead two book clubs right now and I'm always looking for something good to read! Thanks for the giveaway!

Ronnica said...

I read a Passion Most Pure just a few months ago and would like to read the sequel. Thanks for the giveaways!

Joclyn said...

Lost rocks... it needs to hurry and come back!! Plus, chopsticks gotta love sushi!!

Anonymous said...

I love love love love love Lost!!!!!!!! So please enter me cuz it all sound amazing!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Japan, so the chopsticks intrigue me (and the other stuff!0
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Emily said...

We love Japan, too!

Thanks for offering it!

princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com

The Giveaway Diva said...

ooo ive always wanted to go to japan!! yay sushi!

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

I'm a Christmas fanatic and a journaler, so we've got that in common! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Tiff said...

I love Christmas as well, my sister lived in Japan for 4 years brought me back some cool dishware but not any chopsticks so I could use them to go with my dishware. And I am always up for a new book to read. Thanks

Heidi said...

I am a huge Christmas fan too. I will listen to Christmas music all year long.

sweetsue said...

I love Christmas,but have never been to Japan,or seen Lost, or read A Passion Redeemed, or even heard of Andrew Peterson! Oh, but I have used a bottle opener and chopsticks!

smchester at gmail dot com

darbyscloset said...

My Amy, you have a lot of people who have a lot in common with you! ;-*
I know I would enjoy both the book and the CD you are giving away for I so enjoy your reviews and I've come to believe that if you say it is good than it is. I too love Christmas and all things Christmas. In fact after you posted about the 2 Christmas CD's you purchased....I purchased them; both are new artists for me and I love them were right about the musical edition of Emm. bringing tears to your eyes!!! I have never been to Japan yet I have always had a "thing" with the Asian culture and their ways; I love to eat Chinese food and even with chop sticks. "Lost", what's there to say? : )
And God, now that I do love like no other.
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Becca said...

I love to read, am wanting to start journaling, and LOVE Japan...I make bento lunches for our family quite often. What a treat to win! Thanks! cross_home2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Svr said...

Never been to Japan! I'll have to take your word on that one!

HeatherLow said...

Very cool...I love music and Christmas and God so yes we have some things in common:)
poncey76 at hotmail


I love Christmas for one reason and really it celebrating Jesus birthday but also with the celebration some give and share their hearts more..wish that could be year round

Becca said...

I love Japan too, I'm half Japanese! Thanks!

Crayl said...

My husband is a Christmas fanatic, I can use chopsticks to eat my favorite kind of food, Japanese, We both love music, and are very passionate about God.

squash88 at gmail dot com

Alyce said...

I've never seen Lost, but I love eating with chopsticks! I've never been to Japan, but discovered this year I have a Japanese cousin I never knew about before.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love books, especially christian books.

lilacbutterfly [at]

Krystle said...

I love to read! And I love Christmas! I cannot wait for it to get here so I can start enjoying it! AND I love Lost! It needs to hurry up and come back on TV!!! Hurley for President!

Anonymous said...

I've never been to Japan but that would be interesting..

Shelley said...

We are both Christmas fanatics! I have all my decorations out, and am putting up my tree tomorrow, haha!

Anonymous said...

Well, I LOVE Christmas, in fact, I'm giving away a Christmas CD, so you might want to check it out, and I enjoy LOST as well.

Unknown said...

I love Christmas! I am just like a kid at Christmas. Which is a good thing, right?

Awesome husband would love the Lost bottle opener!

Oh Mandie said...

Oh I'm a head over heels Christmas fanatic! So much so that our house looks very much like the Griswalds every year!

You have a lovely blog!!

Loralynn said...

Great giveaway! You can never go wrong by giving away the same things you love or would love to get! Please enter me!

toohotforturtle said...

I am crazy for LOST and have been having withdrawal symptoms.

Unknown said...

I'd say the main thing we have in common is a love of God! But I also love to read, and it sounds like you do too! Thanks for a great giveaway!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net

jayedee said...

we have our love of God in common.......and i'm a sushi fanatic so that ties in with your chopsticks!
please throw my name in the hat for this great giveaway! good luck to all and if you have a chance, check out my giveaway over at the lost world!

Unknown said...

Hi Amy,
Another Christmas fan here. But we also have our love for God in common. I've been following you for awhile but I've been MIA the past month or so. I'm glad I'm back and thanks for giving me the chance to enter in your giveaway.

Julie said...

I love Christmas too. I've already bought 1 new Christmas CD, but will probably get more :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Lost fan, and I've never been to Japan ... but Christmas ... I LOVE me some Christmas! :)

I also love reading - so books are good

Anonymous said...

We have in common - reading and Christmas. I always have a book with me for those few moments during the day when I can read. I also love Christmas..the decorating, music, seeing family..Great time of year. Thanks for the giveaway. semtaylor(at)

Reva Skie said...

Lost fan here too. February cant come soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Wow we have a lot in common... most importantly, the loving God part. :-) Thanks for the great giveaway! I hope I win!

cherissa at roebuckcompany dot com

AmandaK said...

Are you one of my other twin sisters? I love LOST, Japan, and of course, keeping journals. As I deal with Bipolar Disorder, keeping a journal helps me get rid of any anger or racing thoughts I may have. It's part of my natural therapy.


Jodi said...

Well we both love giving, and we both love God. I also love to read, and have gotten hooked on Esty.


Anonymous said...

Our love for God and Christmas are the ties that bind us together, Amy! Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

We totally have stuff in common! I love lost! I love christmas! and I love love love japan! I recently went there this june it was amazing!!! soo beautiful unfortunately we were not able to see mount fuji which i really wanted to see :( it was just too foggy that day :D thank you for the great giveaway

lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot]com

Buki Family said...

Lost fan 4 life!

Anonymous said...

one thing we have in common is that we both love Lost! :D

Lalycairn said...

Well, I adore Christmas, and Japanese food, does that count? And I know HOW to eat with chopsticks! ;)

Thank you for sharing pieces of yourself and congratulations on your 3rd bloggy anniversary and your 1000th post. (that was THREE zeros right? WOW!!)

Lalycairn (at)

aahcoffee said...

I heart LOST also. I LOVE to read, and I love blank journals....and I love to eat sushi and chinese food, which is what I would use the chopsticks for. :)

megret7 said...

Oh my goodness, I love Japan, too! I so want to visit one day -- been dreaming about it since I was ten. :)
Thanks for the creative contest...
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Alaina said...

I like Andrew Petersen, too! Great giveaway!

alainamj AT yahoo DOT com

redpolkadotsgirl said...

yet another LOST fan ;)

Anonymous said...

I love CHristmas and my family is addicted to Lost. :)

Britni said...

I read A Passion Most Pure this year and loved it. I would love to read the next one!

Cami said...

It actually looks like we don't have much in common! lol

Molly C. said...

I also adore Christmas.

Chantelle said...

I am in love with everything about Japan and i also love the show Lost! Awesome Giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win :)

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I also really love lost!


Anonymous said...

hmm...well i guess we both love Lost! however did you find that on Etsy??

fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

Michelle@Life with Three said...

Well, I love to read. I just finished The Twilight Series. If you haven't read it, it's a fantastic love story. If I don't win, I'll have to put A Passion Redeemed on my "to read" list!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I love Lost too! Thanks for the giveaway!
P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! :)

Liz said...

What a creative giveaway.Count me in.

elanza (at) atlanticbb (dot) net

Daintry said...

We do have things in common! I want to visit Japan some day, and I have mastered using chop sticks! (we cook alot of Japanese food at home!) And as for Christmas, let's just say there is a tree in EVERY room at my house (yes there is one in the bathroom!! haha) Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

We have journaling and LOST in common. Thank you for doing this!

Unknown said...

I love christmas too! It is my favorite holiday. Thanks for the chance to win.


Dani said...

I love God too! I also love CHristmas, music, and reading. We may be a little alike :)

daniwilliams30 AT gmail DOT com

Katrina said...

I love to read, and I love lost! And I love chopsticks (and sushi!) Thanks!

buzzd said...

I love Christmas and like Lost too!

chad and chrissy said...

Andrew Peterson is the best, he's one of the few artist we both like. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Charlotte said...

I love to read AND I'm a Christmas fanatic!


Anonymous said...

I think we do! Well, I love Christmas, of course, and I love Japanese food, if that counts :-)

Jacqueline in Atlanta said...

I love God, too and Christmas is my favorite time of the year, although T'giv runs a close second. Christmas causes everyone to be a little nice, don't you think?

Thanks for having the giveaway!

Jinxy and Me said...

Well, I just got back from China last month - - that's CLOSE to Japan! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Well, we both like Japan. I want to visit there just once before I die.
We both love God. I couldn't always say that was true in my life. I practiced heavily into the occult for 6 years. When I first dated my husband 5 years ago, he asked me to come to church. At first I was hesitant but I thought "Hey, this cute guy is inviting me, might as well try". I've loved God with all my heart since. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love Asian culture and reading so we have that in common :)


frugallm said...

I love God and Christmas!! I also love to read and listen to music so those two would be good also!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Tobye said...

I also love Lost! And Christmas, and God. Wow.

Carrie Barron said...

Thanks! I love Andrew Peterson! He did a small, intimate concert with my church a few years ago, and I loved it. I've been hearing one of his new songs (I think it's called Lay Me Down) on the radio. I love that he has a distinct sounding voice. And I definitely love God!



Peggy said...

Lost and all the wonderful items, count me in

Tammy said...

Lots in common - I love reading and Christmas and Lost too!

Anonymous said...

Definitely GOD.
My son likes LOST.

moma3homeschool (at)gmail(.)com

Jessica said...

I love Lost as well. I get them on DVD and watch the whole season at once.
Thanks for the great giveaway.

Cindy B.of Montana said...

Hi Amy! I love to read and I love music, so maybe we have those in common!

Candie L said...

I hope you are still taking entries. I also have a strong belief in God and I believe that giving is a good way to show others how we feel

Theresa N. said...

Please sign me up. Thanks:)
Theresa n

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