Friday, December 26, 2008

Buy One Book and Read It Challenge 2009

We live in a culture so saturated with choice that the past time of reading a novel seems to be falling by the wayside. There are many Americans who don't even read a single book in the span of a year. Books, once considered to be recession proof, are facing the same economic troubles as everyone else.

This challenge is designed to encourage you to rediscover the joy of reading, while supporting the authors who bring us books.

There are two levels or choices for this challenge. Because a lot of people who read this blog are voracious readers, I have added a new level this year.

1) The first option is to simply buy one book and read it. The book you buy and read should be a book you have chosen for yourself for pleasure. It should not be work related and books read to your children do not count.

2) The second option is to buy one book a month and read it. I am asking that those of you who will probably already have one book read by January 2 choose this option. Books can be on your other challenge lists, it is only necessary that you buy them and read them!

The challenge will end December 31, 2009. I will post a Mr. Linky for reviews on January 1st. If you plan to join in, please leave a comment and please consider spreading the word about this challenge...especially among your non-bookish friends. At the conclusion of the chalenge, I will draw a winner from each pool of participants to win a 10 dollar Amazon gift card.

Happy Book Buying and Reading!

(I don't have a button yet...if someone has time and is willing to make one, I'd love that so much!) ETA: See above! Thanks Rae Ann!

In answer to the question about if you can read TBR books....I think the books should be bought in 2009, since part of the goal of this challenge is to promote the book industry, however, I'll make a concession that three of the books you read can be books bought prior to 2009. Thanks everyone! Visit this post to add your review links.



Anonymous said...

taking challenge #1!

Anonymous said...

I like the twist to this challenge :)

I have to sit down (before the 31st!) and figure out which challenges I'll be joining for 2009. There are a lot of great/creative ideas out there.

Anonymous said...

This is a challenge I can sink my teeth in to. Thanks for posting it. Now, I have a question - do you have to buy it in that month or can it be one you bought for pleasure that you would like to read?

Anonymous said...

I've kind of sworn off of challenges for a little while, but this one is so good, I just might have to sign up.

T-SQUAT said...

This is a great idea! I've got some good books in mind. :)

Jennifer said...

Count me in for Option Number 2! Great Idea!

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Lezlie said...

I'm in! Seriously, how could I not? Option #2, please! :-)


Sandra said...

A great idea to get those started on the habit of purchasing and reading books who may not make a regular habit of it. I was going to say I don't need to do this as I''m always doing it anyway. As I was typing I realized that that doesn't set a good example and really, the more the merrier when you're trying to encourage such a positive and fulfilling pastime.So sign me up, I look forward to the results.

Unknown said...

I'll take challenge number 2! I buy the books fairly frequently, but very infrequently manage to read them >_< so I will try harder this year!

Anonymous said...

My question was the same as #3. I have alot of books that I have bought and never got to read this past year and I would use those ones. I would take #2

Great challenge that I would take part in. Thanks Amy.

Katherine said...

Great idea! Count me in for option number 2. I'll be posting about this challenge in a bit.

Desert Rose said...

Count me in for this challenge and this is my post :)

Jennifer said...

I blogged about your reading challenge here:

I am very excited to begin and already have two books to start with in January!

I will post your button for the reading challenge as soon as you have one.

Thank you for hosting this. :)

Rae Ann said...

Bah ha ha! I thought Challenge 1 was to buy a book and read it before December 31, 2008! That might have been a challenge. I will sign up for Challenge 2.

I will create a button for you. I just learned how and am excited to put my new skillz to work! I'll use your banner for the graphic.

Anonymous said...

I'm joining your challenge and I'm going to do #2. I've posted here

J.C. Montgomery said...

I really wasn't going to join anymore challenges, but this one is just too good to pass up.

One of my most favorite passtimes, other than reading, is to wander amongst the shelves of the used bookstore at the back of our library. Not only do I find wonderful novels to read, but most of the proceeds go to help the library.

Thus, I will go for option two, and as a personal challenge, at least 50% of those books, if not all, will be either purchased from the library store or a local mom & pop in order to help them out through these difficult times.

nbp said...

Count me in for #1

Anonymous said...

Count me in! Do the books bought have to be new or can they be used also? I frequently buy from used bookstores.

Anonymous said...

I'll do option #1. I'm sure I can average 12 books in a year, but not one per month.

Jennifer said...

I have the button up and a stack of books waiting. :) Bliss.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to join option 1..
hack.. most books I buy are for my own interests.. just that I never got around reading them anymore.. :(
hopefully this can help me stay on track!

Literary Feline said...

I'm in! Here's the link to my post about the challenge.

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

Sheesh, I should've read this post first since it explains everything. Yah, I'm in. :)

Jenny said...

OK I buy one every month to donate to the library I work at so I could do this and just make sure I get it read before I donate it. Thanks for the challenge.

Beth F said...

I truly was not going to join any more challenges whatsoever. But I'll join this with option #2. I know I have to buy at least 12 books for my current challenges, so ok. I'll do it.

Me... said...

Ok, I jumping onto the wagon. This is the first challenge I've ever signed up for! I'm in the process of blogging about it now. I'm going for #2.

Becky said...

I'll be joining. I'll be doing option 2--twelve books. I'll write up a post later in the day!

Vickie said...

I'm in! I will try #2 challenge. I know I am going to buy books anyway, so might as well. My spin will be to try one new to me author a month. I will buy the book and read it.

Josette said...

Hi there! I want to join in too. :)

My Challenges Page

Unknown said...

Is it too late or can I still join in?
My post is here :)

kel said...

I'm in!! I am so glad to have found a fellow book lover!!

S. Krishna said...

I know it's late, but I'm in!

Margot said...

I'm in too. I'm on the way to the bookstore right now. I'm choosing number 2. Thanks for hosting this challenge.

Margot at:

Anonymous said...

Okay, put me down for the monthly version of this one.

Daphne said...

I like the sound of this one - I'm in for the monthly version. Like I need another excuse to buy books!

Rhonda Gales said...

I'm up for challenge #1. Reading more is one of my goals for 2009. Glad I found you. Stop by and check out my first read for January.

Kisha said...

I love this idea for a challenge count me in for 12 books to be bought and read (I may cheat and buy 2 one month, and none the next, but I will do 12)

Sharon said...

I'm in! I'll be doing option 2. Here's my blog post:

Shonda said...

Amy, I hope it's not too late to join. Here is my post:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I think I'm going to do this one. I'm trying to limit myself as to the books I buy this year, but this is something I can definitely do!

Jennie said...

Oh, this is one I'll have no problem with. Thanks for the idea!

Michele said...

I'm in for the second option! here is my post.

Grilsgood said...

Coud you check and see if I already joined. That light grey is nto something I can see well. Otherwise I am in. Lindy/CT

Julie (ASmAcc) said...

I'd like to join - option 2 please.
My Link

Vickie said...

First one of the challenge done!

Anonymous said...

This is a great challenge. I'm signing on for the second option - here is my challenge page!

Jennifer said...

I have signed up, blogged and been reading. I do not see Mr. Linky however.

Beth F said...

I have read two books that are newly bought. I'll await Mr. Linky. Or come on over to my blog to read the reviews.

Anonymous said...

I would like to join doing #2. I am going to the book store tommorow

Anonymous said...

I'd like to join this challenge. I will start by completing #1. I read quite a bit but I am usually a loyal library patron. I may increase my goal to challenge #2 but then will probably need to include professional and children's books. Happy Reading!

grannyvon said...

I have just purchased a book from Amazon. I am a mystery/legal fan and love Christian mystery also, but I read most anything. I am one of those avid readers and will read two books a week. I am retired and a fixed income so purchasing them is not a option at this time. In my lifetime when I worked, I would buy a couple a week and belonged to a couple of book clubs, also.I am now limiting myself to Crossings Book Club and I am not obligated to buy any unless I want too. If fortune comes my way I would move up to that 2nd. level also for when I get extra I BUY BOOKS. I usually donate them to the local libary, nursing home and sometimes the Christian hardbacks I give as gifts in baskets or delivery to someone I visit in home or hospital. I will sign up for this site definately!

Beth F said...

I'm at 5 of 12 in the buy and read challange.

Mammatalk said...

What a wondeful idea! I belong to a monthly book club. It's been such a fun way to spend time with like minded ladies.

Jenny Girl said...

Well I just joined a book club, so I'll join this challenege too. Why not?

Stina said...

I bought and read one book in January and two in February. I just bought my March book yesterday and should have it finished by the end of the month. I'm tracking this challenge on my blog:

Tash said...

Hi Amy count me in for option 1. :)

Tammy said...

Hi Amy! I know it's already May, but I would still like to take up challenge option 2. I have 8 months left, which means 8 books to read! Wish me luck!

Posted about this challenge on my blog too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy ,I would like to join this challenge .Second Option pls..I have bought and read one book already Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Wolff for month of May..So count me in..

Just Someone said...

Its a little too late - but came across this now; would love to join:) Option 1; baby steps:)

PiperML said...

I'm sorry I just found this challenge as I would have loved doing option #2, but I will settle for option #1 and hope this challenge will be back next year so I can fully participate. Thanks for a great challenge idea!

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