I have loved the Kitty books! As the series has progressed we discover more about the supernatural world. But at the same time, Kitty's voice is just as enjoyable and she becomes a better woman and wolf. Today I want to share with you some of the amazing resources you can find about the Kitty series and Carrie Vaughn the author.
First of all, I think you will really enjoy this Blog Talk Radio show with Carrie. I'm listening to it right now! (she answers the vampire or werewolf question! I totally disagree!)
And be sure to watch this fun trailer which captures the heart of what Kitty always says on her radio show!
Carrie also has a blog which you can visit here.
Finally, I wanted to share Kitty's description of Las Vegas with you from Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand.
I'd never been to Las Vegas. I was interested in seeing how the reality measured up to the hype, propagated in countless TV shows, movies, and ads. Mostly what registered on the cab ride to the hotel was the heat. Baking, shimmering, blinding heat. It made the whole city seem like a mirage rising out of the desert. The air-conditioning costs alone must have been phenomenal. It only added to the amusement-park unreality of the place: towering buildings of glass, structures representing every kind of fantasy--pyramids, castles, Italian palazzos, Roman columns, pirate ships--set down in a clump on the Strip, incongruous. This place was on crack.
Ha! So true!
Giveaway: Miriam of Hachette, whom we all love to bits, has generously said that I can give away a full set of the Kitty books! Not only that three more people will win the two newest books...Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand, and Kitty Raises Hell. How awesome is that? By the way, these books are stories that can be read as stand-alones..they are self-contained stories.
Giveaway is open to residents of the United States and Canada with a street address. I'll choose winners on April 1st. No foolin! Please be sure to leave a comment and tell me about your favorite supernatural story. I need to find more to read. :) And please include a valid email address.

Woo Hoo!!! I'd love to win the series or the two latest. I think these books are right up my alley.
I loved these books, (don't enter me!) I had such a good time on the blog tour...I tweaked Kitty's playlist a bit and put my version up in a music player on my blog. (Ok, ok, I went for the more "obvious" songs, like Superstition, Spooky Little Girl Like You, etc. but it was still fun!)
Would love to get this series, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com
I like the When the Ghost Screams: True Stories of Victims Who Haunt by Leslie Rule!!!
I have read about these books. They sound like a good read. Hope I win. :)
Ok...my favorite supernatural book? Hmmm...that is hard.
I do like the Sookie Stackhouse books. They are light,easy read.
But...I think my favorite, at this point... Sunshine by Robin McKinley.
I have no favorite supernatural story (well, I suppose The Dracula Dossier, The Historian, or Dracula might count, but they seem so different than Kitty). Since I don't have a recommendation for me, you can choose to enter me or not in the contest. I mostly came here to say that this really doesn't seem like my kind of thing, but I'm intrigued that all of you seemed to like them so much.
I would love to read those books! Definitely add me, please.
As for my favorite supernatural books, I'd say anything by Frank Peretti. This Present Darkness is a good starting point.
I've never read a Kitty book but they sound fantastic. Please enter me in your giveaway.
My favorite supernatural series:
The Dark Series by Christine Feehan
OK. i totally forgot to leave my e-mail address. Sorry.
I have read so many great things about this series and I really need to read them! I am currently reading Jessica's Guide To Dating On The Dark Side and it is a great supernatural story!
sports dot erikalynn at gmail dot com
My favorite supernatural stories WERE the Anita Blake books by Laurell K. Hamilton. They were great! And clean! Anita Blake was religious and not into pre-marital sex! And she kicked butt! But about five books in, for some reason she throws caution to the wind and just gets ridiculous in her sexual life. So I'm not interested in reading more. But she was awesome for the first, oh, four books or so.
Oh, please enter me! I really want to check these out now. Let's see...I love the book Wicked Game by Jeri Smith-Ready and her new one Bad to the Bone (the sequel) is out in May.
A new series by Molly Harper is awesome...the first book is out. Nice Girls Don't have Fangs.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Okay, you and Booking Mama have convinced me that I should try these books, so I'm throwing my name into the proverbial hat. milou2ster(at)gmail.com. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
THese sound so good! I'd love the chance to win them...I've started braving this genre ever since reading Colleen Gleason's books and I'm happy that I have! By the way, that's my favorite supernatural series: The Gardella Vampire Chronicles by Colleen Gleason. Thanks!
I love the book Haunted Heartland, it's full of um!
I haven't had the pleasure of reading the Kitty Norville series so I'd love to win it!
One of my favorite supernatural reads are the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. Just finished the 3rd book, MAGIC STRIKES, and loved it.
Favorite supernatural story - right now it's the House of Night series by P.C. & Kristen Cast. It changes from time to time though - that's the most recent I've read. A close second would be Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill - it was just creepy and strange.
oo these sound good!! i'm not a really big fan of supernatural stories but i did like twighlight!!
nicolemarielum @gmail.com
It is a true description of Vegas. I love that town.
*don't enter me*
I loved this series too! What a fun blog tour. No need to enter me...
Hee! Fun trailer.
Okay, favourite supernatural story...perhaps something from the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs...uh...or maybe the Hollows series by Kim Harrison...uh...or maybe the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher...uh...or maybe the Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris...epic fail at picking just one!
I'm a huge fan of Kim Harrison's Hollows series. If you haven't read them, you should check them out.
I really like Patricia Briggs' two series - Mercy Thompson & Alpha and Omega - they are both werewolf series as well.
No need to enter me in the contest, I just wanted to say thanks for participating in the blog tour! My blog tour post is here at Unmainstream Mom Reads if you want to add the link to your list :)
Please include me in your giveaway. Favorite supernatural story would have to be Twilight.
Try "Second Glance" By Jodi Picoult. Its pretty good.
I would love to be encluded in this contest!! I've been wanting to branch out in my reading gentry and this sounds like a awesome series to try. I'm going with Twilight and for the movie for the ones that didn't like it watch it a 2nd time and you may feel different i personally loved it.
Great contest! I like the Women of the Otherworld books by Kelley Armstrong, especially her first two, Bitten and Stolen (which are alos about a werewolf).
lorin_arch (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would love to enter and read these books. My favorite supernatural series would probably be the Christine Feehan Ghostwalker series, Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series and Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse books.
dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
A few of my favorite series/authors that weren't mentioned above are:
Darkest Powers (YA) - Kelley Armstrong
Morganville Vampires (YA) - Rachel Caine
Walker Papers series & Negotiator Trilogy - C. E. Murphy
Jaz Parks series - Jennifer Rardin
Greywalker series - Kat Richardson
Lily Dale series (YA) - Wendy Corsi Staub
Shifter series - Rachel Vincent
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
I have just been introduced to her series. They are awesome.
Please include me in the giveaway.
Thank you
Debbie W.
This series sounds great; haven't had the opportunity to read Kitty Norville and would love the chance to win! I've been reading a lot of Dean Koontz novels lately and they are certainly supernatural in their own way. But Twilight really captured my attention too!
dlcwin AT gmail DOT com
Hm, well I did enjoy the L.J. Smith and Twilight books. But I'm sure you've read those. ;-) Have you read Arena by Karen Hancock? It's "Christian" and very very good, good enough to keep and re-read! I would love to know what you think of it if you've read it or what you think of it when you read it. :-)
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
I've heard so much about this series and I really want to own the set!
My new favorite supernatural story is the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. :)
Please enter me. I'd love to read these. My favorite 'supernatural' story is anything Edgar Allen Poe. They aren't traditionally supernatural, but they're some of the creepiest stuff I've ever read. Thanks!
My favorite supernatural books are from Dean Koonts but I absolutely adore the Quuen Betsy books by MaryJanice Davidson if they count as supernatural.
never read - but would love the chance! my favs are the circle trilogy books by ted dekker.
One of my favorites is I am Legend by Richard Matheson. I think it is very creepy and you just can't beat that ending. Thanks
I liked "The Mist" by Stephen King - was pretty creepy.
Please count me in - Thanks,
I love the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. I mean who can resist when Elvis is a vampire.
Twilight is my favorite supernatural story.
I think the only ones I've read would be the Vampire Chronicles by Ann Rice. loved them!
slcremer at gmail dot com
Count me in. I love this type of read! Have you read "Chosen" by P.C. Cast? It is the third book in the "hose of Night series. If you have not read it, I recommend it.
My favorite supernatural story is an oldy. It is Ghost Story by Peter Straub. That and good old The Shining by Stephen King. I love supernatural stories though I have to take my time with them or I have nightmares. I can read like two a month but there was a time when I read them non stop. Thanks to you and Miriam (she rocks) for this great giveaway.
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