Thursday, April 2, 2009

Book Giveaway: Clutter Free Christianity by Robert Jeffries

About the Book: When did the Christian life become so complicated?

Your greatest desire is to please God, but with each passing week, your spiritual to-do list grows longer. As you strive to fulfill a never-ending inventory of requirements for being a godly parent, spouse, voter, employee, and more, you feel increasingly disconnected from the God you’re trying to serve.

It’s time to cut through the clutter and get to the heart of what it means to please God. In this liberating look at the core principles of faith, Dr. Robert Jeffress reveals the truth about what God really wants from you–and what He wants to do for you.

Through solid biblical teaching and practical insights, Dr. Jeffress points you toward a revitalized faith centered on becoming more like Jesus in action, attitude, and affection. You’ll learn how to partner with God in the process of spiritual transformation as you choose to follow Christ in forgiveness, obedience, trust, contentment, service, and prayer.

Through a renewed focus on experiencing the kingdom of God right now, you’ll find your to-do list shrinking and your spiritual life deepening. It all comes with embracing Clutter-Free Christianity.
Includes a Bible study guide for personal growth and group discussion.
Learn more here.

GIVEAWAY: If you feel as if this is a book you could use, please leave a comment and tell me about a book that has helped you in your faith journey. Open worldwide. Giveaway ends one week from today on April 10.


Marie Cloutier said...

A book that helped me on my faith journey is Mother Angelica's Private and Pithy Lessons from the Scriptures. I would love to win this book! Thanks!

Becky said...

There are so many. I don't know that I could pick just one ;)

dawn said...

A book that I loved was 'Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free' by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Really wonderful!

Mary Kontrary said...

Hi, Amy ~ As I read your blog, I realized that, along with the clutter in my house and office and car and work schedule, there is also mounds of clutter in my spiritual life that needs to be gotten rid of. I think I could really use this book! As for the book that most helped me in my spiritual journey, there have been a lot, non-fiction and fiction alike, but I still have a loooong way to go! Thanks for the chance to win.

Sherrylinn said...

One of the books that helped me was "Power of a Praying Wife" this helped me through the period my dh was drinking. Now he no longer drinks, and is a leader in our church!

slcremer at gmail dot com

Janet said...
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Janet said...

The one book is the Bible. :) I got saved when I was 14 years old and was baptized on an Easter Sunday. I would enjoy reading this book. :) gahome2mom at gmail dot com

Erin Lowmaster said...

A book that changed me a lot is the book "Love and Respect". You may have heard of it. It totally changed the way I look at men and women and marriage!

Tammy said...

A book that I loved was Mother Theresa: Come Be My Light. Her unswerving devotion to God at all times is awe-inspiring and sets such a wonderful example.

missporkchop AT yahoo DOT com

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