- The UCLA campus is big and my sense of direction still stinks.
- Authors really are the best sort of celebrities.
- I continue to be fascinated by authors even if I have no interest in reading their books.
- S.E. Hinton's husband always thought she could write soft p0rn.
- There are still a lot of people who have no idea what a blog is.
- Buying books from independent bookstores is EXPENSIVE. And basically means buying fewer books.
- I really want to write a middle grade fiction book...now if I could just get an idea.
- My French is very rusty...but Muriel Barbery is absolutely adorable and ever so charming.
- I'm a complete sap and get a little teary when I hear people talk about how much books mean to them.
- Book bloggers are authentic in their online personalities...and the ones I met this weekend I am glad to now call my real life friends.
I'll write more later about the festival, but I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. And sadly, they expect me at work tomorrow! Can you believe that? What did you do this weekend??

What did you do this weekend??
went to my bridal shower. way boring compared to your weekend.
Sounds like so much fun Amy!! I wish I could've gone...as for me...I worked all weekend :/ But I did finish three books!
I hope you write a book, so I can buy it and say I knew you when. I've only met 2 book bloggers, but I totally agree with #10.
I'm looking forward to hearing more about the weekend. Sounds like it was a great time!
Oh yes, isn't it fun to be around other people who love books? Reading and writing can be solitary pursuits, and I think that's part of what makes us feel teary when we connect in person.
Re #5, my sisters have no idea what a blog is (they have young children and hardly know what email is!) and whenever I have a contest I have to send them step-by-step instructions to click here, scroll to here, enter here, etc.! But the concept is still totally alien to them.
Re #7, I'm sure you're do it one day - you're a *very* good writer!
Can't wait to hear more!! And can't wait to meet you in May.
Sounds like you had a fun weekend! Please do write a middle grade book -- you already have two people who would love to read it -- me and Booking Daughter!
10 Things I Learned About Amy at the LATFOB:
She has a sister who lives in Costa Rica
Her mother adores Mary Higgins Clark
She buys books as gifts
She grew up in the midwest
She is funny
She is smart
She is cute
She spends a LOT of time on Twitter
BBAW is a huge undertaking
I am proud to call her MY FRIEND AMY!
It was so great meeting you!
I'm glad you had a good time. My mom was there too, mostly for Eric Carle. Evidently he was basically mobbed and they closed his line for autographs hours early. They even sold out of his poster! She still had fun, though.
I saw the pictures at Ti's blog and it looks like you guys had so much fun! I hope that someday I can plan ahead and attend one of these events. I've never been to LA (or CA for that matter) and would love to tour around with my virtual book blogging buddies. I would really have loved to have attended the events with Vanina Marsot and Andrew Sean Greer. I just took part in a Twitter book club discussing ASG's latest novel, The Story of a Marriage. He seemed wonderful via Twitter.
Take it easy. I can't wait for you complete write up!
I like Lisa's comment :-). I'm tired at work this morning too, and I only went on Saturday!
It was SO great meeting and talking with you, and I'm looking forward to reading your further thoughts (and seeing your photos) from the Festival!
OMG. I want to meet Muriel Barbary!!!
"I'm a complete sap and get a little teary when I hear people talk about how much books mean to them."
I'm the exact same! I'm very glad you had such a good time. and I can't wait to hear more about it.
As for my weekend, I reshelved my books. Not very exciting, but it was kinda fun :P
Ooh you got to go to the book festival - how fun!
And, yes, I love to buy indie but that's a bit hard on the pocket book.
I can't wait to hear more about your weekend. It sounds like it was busy and book filled which equals perfect :)
What a great top ten list! Was there a particular event this weekend that solidified your desire to write? We'll dish out all the encouragement you can stand :)
It must have been so much fun to meet everyone, sounds like you practically closed the place where you ate dinner. I saw the vlog over at Trish's - fantastic!
Well, since we all managed to get lost at some point, I'd say you were in excellent company. :-D
I'm SO glad I got to hang out with you all this weekend. We'll be hijacking you for San Jose!
Love your VLOGS! So ADORABLE! Hope I can go next year, I would love to meet everyone. Thanks for the wrap ups, I look forward to more:)
I can't wait until I can also call you my real life friend Amy!
Sounds like a wonderful time! SE Hinton, gosh I haven't read the Outsiders in years. I should re-read that.
I look forward to hearing more about your expierence.
This was great! Can't wait to read a full wrap-up post!
sounds like you had a great time...I hope to make it to BEA in NYC. I hope to meet a bunch of you.
I am very envious of you guys getting to go to the festival. If I wasn't all the way across the country and flat broke, I would have loved to join you. Sounds like you had an amazing time.
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