Saturday, May 9, 2009

Asian Heritage Month Giveaway!

I'm not Asian. But I love Asia! And Asian American history is something I think is generally overlooked. So I'm pleased to take part in this Asian Heritage Month Giveaway with Hachette Books. I've only read one of these books, but let me tell you, it is worth winning the entire set for! You can read my review of Trail of Crumbs here.

Five winners will receive all five books. Winners must have a United States or Canadian mailing address. No PO boxes will be accepted. You must leave a valid email address to qualify.

Here are your possibilities for entering, each one of these will give you one entry:
1) Leave a comment and tell me about a book you've enjoyed where either the main character was Asian, or the setting was in Asia.
2) Link to this giveaway in a post on your blog. It can be part of a giveaway round-up but must be in a post on your blog.
3) Tweet about this contest.
4) Subscribe to my blog. If you are already a subscriber, subscribe to The Friendly Book Nook. If you already subscribe to both, just tell me. :)
5) Pay attention because I may add another way or two this month to enter!

Here are the books included in the giveaway:
Free Food for Millionaires by Min Jin Lee
Trail of Crumbs by Kim Sunee
The Fortune Cookie Chronicles by Jennifer Lee
Transparency by Francis Hwang
Strangers from a Different Shore by Ronald Takaki



Julie P. said...

Great giveaway! I have enjoyed lots of Asian books, but I'll say Snowflower and the Secret Fan!


Julie P. said...

I tweeted here:

Anonymous said...

I loved "Shanghai Girls" by Lisa See.

Thanks for the giveaway!

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

Kitten22 said...

This looks great! Please enter me! I really enjoyed The Street of a Thousand Blossoms.


Kitten22 said...

I'm a subscriber (through Google Reader)!


bermudaonion said...

One of my favorite books of 2008 was A Free Life by Ha Jin. It's the story of Chinese immigrants trying to make a new life in the U.S. milou2ster(at)

Jen - Devourer of Books said...

I'd say "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan," although I also loved "The Good Earth"

Tweeted here:

Blogged here:

And I already subscribe to both blogs.

Janet said...

My mother-in-law is Japanese and my children would enjoy owning Asian Heritage books. Happy Mother's Day. :)

gahome2mom at gmail dot com

Janet said...

One of my daughters read "Dragon Wings".

Michele P. said...

I liked the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan! This is a neat giveaway, and I am sure my friend Yoshiko would love it if I shared with her :) thanks for the opportunity!

Lori L said...

I really enjoyed Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden, as well as Lisa See's Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. I'd love to win!

Lenore Appelhans said...

Perfect for my personal diversity challenge!

Anonymous said...

This is a great giveaway.

One of my favorite books, set in China (with Chinese characters, written in Chinese and translated): The Story of the Stone by Cao Xueqin. LOVE it!

I'm already a subscriber to both this blog and The Friendly Book Nook.

Wordlily AT gmail DOT com

Belinda M said...

I have to think back quite a bit..but I very much enjoyed Joy Luck Club by I think Amy Tan. I liked the movie as well

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:"

Belinda M said...

I am now a subscriber

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:"

Chris said...

What a fantastic giveaway!! I'm a huge fan of all things Asian too :) I've read a lot of great Japanese books and I have to say that my favorite was probably either Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami or In the Miso Soup by Ryu Murakami. Both are amazing, yet very different.

photoquest said...

I can't really say of a favorite because i haven't read one but would loved to.

Anonymous said...

i've been lucky with your giveaways and I am going to push my luck once more to see if I can win this wonderful wonderful set of books:)

My fav author from Asia would be my all time fav author - Salman Rushdie.

I subscribe to this blog as well as to the friendly book nook!

do enter me!!:)


Stacie said...

I guess I would have to say "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" by Lisa See. The foot binding was so fascinating and one of our all time best book club discussions. Sign my up please! Staciele(at)netins(dot)net

Anonymous said...

Count me in, Amy! I've loved a lot of books by Asian authors but I'm going to say The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri because no one has mentioned her yet. :)

CherylS22 said...

I enjoyed reading "Peony In Love".

Please count me in - Thanks!

CherylS22 said...

I just became an e-mail subscriber


Unknown said...

Please enter me. I'm a follower of both blogs on my google reader. I loved A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro, who is Japanese but was raised in Britain. It is set mostly in Japan (in the past), although the narrator currently resides in Britain.

Anna said...

I've read a lot of books with Asian characters, my favorite being The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. Thanks for the great giveaway!

diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com
Diary of an Eccentric

Anita Yancey said...

My favorite so far has been Snow Flower. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks.


Stephanie said...

What a great giveaway!! Ummm....I loved Snow Flower. I thought it was a beautiful book. And Red Azalea by Anchee Min (which is actually a memoir) was seriously good.

Thank you so much for throwning my name in the proverbial hat!

Jennie said...

It may be too late, but I blogged here:

Tweeted under kidsilkhaze

And here are some awesome books:

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin (coming out next month)
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
Good Enough by Paula Yoo
She's So Money by Cherry Cheva
The President's Daughter (series) by Mitali Perkins
Cracking India by Bapsi Sidhwa
Red Sorghum by Mo Yan
Anything and everything by Eileen Chang
Anything and everything by Peter Hessler
Factory Girls by Leslie Chang
Last Days of Old Beijing by Michael Meyer

Jennie said...

Oh no! I forgot my email address! kidsilkhaze at yahoo dot com *sheepish*

Lesley (aka Upper West Side Writer) said...

I'd love to be entered! My favorite book by an Asian author is Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore.



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