I can't believe next week is Book Expo America! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! It's going to be the biggest book blogger meet-up to date and throw in a bunch of cool parties and awesome authors and well...let's just say I'm not planning on sleeping!
Anyway, here are some links of interest!
This week was the upfronts which basically means all the networks parade out their fall line-up in hopes of attracting advertisers to their shows. It's my favorite time to devour the TV news as I hope to catch glimpses of whatever will be my next addiction. Anyway there are DEFINITELY some shows I'm excited about coming on this year.
Lostpedia gives a nice look at what might be able to fill the LOST void and I agree that Flash Forward looks like a good one. I have plans to read that book this summer and possibly review it for a new collaborative TV blog I'm working on.
But honestly, I'm most excited about the new television series Vampire Diaries which is based off of the books that were my absolute favorites when I was 13 or 14 years old. These books gave me a love for all things vampire and I'm just excited about another vampire TV show. Michelle told me that Entertainment Weekly's Ausiello called it Supernatural with teeth, so naturally I'm excited. The preview for the show is below, enjoy!
I'm participating in the Nerds Heart YA book Tournament! I'm really excited to be a judge and introduce myself to some more great books! Becky has all the details about the tournament.
This post from Kerry, about Slow Reads vs. Fast Reads, pretty much sums up all my problems with reviewing. I love it, but sometimes I know I'm devouring books too fast and not allowing them the proper space in my life. If I'm onto the next book so quickly, the one I just finished doesn't have time to soak in.
Looking for the next great literary event? Find them in this new Literary Events wiki.
I loved this post from Eva about allowing kids to find the books they want to read an I wholeheartedly agree!
Want to figure out how to get books through the various online trading sites? Swapna has a series going where she reviews the various sites...might check it out and see if it's helpful to you!
There was another drama this week in the blogging community where a publisher did an interview and said, sigh, that they haven't seen the online community make a difference. Dear Author has a nice write-up on their thoughts about this.
Because book bloggers love giving stuff away, there will be a YA book bloggers carnival....the books given away must be YA books, but that pretty much makes it sound fantastic to me! Read the details at Shooting Stars Mag.
This post about fiction cognition at Underage Reading really really made me think. I think these points are really very valid and I'll be thinking about it more while I read now!
Wendy the Super Librarian shares her thoughts on Stephen King's recommended reads for summer.
A pretty awesome store display for a new book! I bet every author wishes they had this!
A database to check and see if an author has a pseudonym (HT: Rhapsody in Books)
Because I have loved what Brennan Manning has written, I appreciated this post from Internet Monk. I loved this paragraph:
One thing I can say for every critic who finds Manning “a waste of time:” They are not longing, in the midst of the wreckage of their own souls, to hear, existentially and constantly, the assurance of God’s absolute love and affection. I can say this with some certainty, because no one can compare to the ability of Brennan Manning to stop you and embrace you with the astonishing love of God.
After yesterday's Faith 'n' Fiction topic on Christian Fiction cliches, I really appreciated Chad Jarnigan's post about safe art from Christians.
That's it for this week! I hope you have found some interesting reading here!

I hope you have a great time at BEA, Amy. I wish I was able to go too. It sounds like it will be so much fun.
I hadn't realized Flash Forward is a book. I know M.J. Rose's new series is slated to become a TV show next year, Past Lives, or something like that. It seems like quite a few books are turning into TV shows lately.
Thank you for all the links, Amy! I was following the Twitter discussion surrounding the recent controversy. I hope you have a great rest of the weekend.
Have a safe trip and an incredible time at the BEA, Amy. I'm so wishing I could be there.
As for the online community making or not making a difference, well. You guys are all I've got. You guys are all any writer of literary books that slowly make their way into the world (despite predictions by "official" reviewers of small commercial appeal) have.
And I'm enormously grateful.
I have never visited Kerry's blog before, but I so enjoyed her comments on "slow reads vs fast reads" Thank you so much for providing me the link to her great site.
Have fun at BEA! I can't wait to hear all about it.
Thanks for sharing some great links and I've added a few new blogs to follow in my google reader!
I always enjoy and learn something new from your weekly round-ups :)
Thanks Amy!
Thanks for the link, Amy! I really enjoyed thinking about that "fiction cognition" stuff and I'm hoping to think about it myself in relation to stuff I'm reading.
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