I really enjoyed Miracle Girls, the first book in this Christian YA series, so I was looking forward to Breaking Up is Hard to Do. And it does not disappoint. At all.
The Miracle Girls are now entering their sophomore year and there's a lot on Christine Lee's mind. Her father is still planning on marrying Candace, aka the bimbo. She still hasn't spoken to anyone about the loss of her mother, all of the other miracle girls are getting boyfriends, and really deep down she's just lonely. But things start to look up when Andrew Cutchins a super cute and popular boy starts paying attention to her. Christine starts to trust her guidance counselor more and she's even getting along a little with Emma, her soon to be stepsister. But things aren't always what they seem...who will catch Christine when things come crashing down?
Loved this book. LOVED IT. First of all, I loved Christine. She was funny and smart and not too sentimental. All her concerns about the Miracle Girls growing apart made so much sense to me. I also liked watching the various developing relationships between the girls and their potential significant others.
I genuinely liked the faith element in this book as well. First of all, no conversion scene. Score one. Secondly, no easy pat answers to the huge issues in Christine's life. Score two. I wasn't even sure Christine came to any definite conclusions on what she thought about God. In fact, a lot of her wrestling with faith had to with the huge role it played in her friend's life and so it felt very authentic to the character and story. I loved for example, this passage:
I don't know about all this miracle stuff. The other girls have always believed that, but I'm not sure I did until just now. Maybe that's why we're all still here. For each other. God isn't going to send a choir of angels to show me he's out there. He sent something else instead. The three of them.
The writing is the same easy chick-lit mannered style, but this book digs into Christine's heart and grief. I have to admit that I cried quite a bit in the last few chapters. On the surface a fun story, but with layers of depth and honesty, Breaking Up is Hard to Do is the best Christian YA book I've read and I absolutely can't wait for the next in the series.
Rating: 4.75/5
Things You Might Want to Know: This is Christian fiction, but I think everyone would like it.

I'm SOOOO glad! I just read and reviewed The Miracle Girls (1st in the series). I have this on my TBR pile for review. I can't wait to read it!
I really like this series as well as Shelley Adina's.
Sounds like a fun book! Thanks for posting the review!
I so want to read this series!!!! They look so good!
This sounds so good! Love the cover too!
It sounds great!
I've never heard of this series, but after reading your twitter update that it's your favorite Christian YA book, I'll have to look into it.
I thought there had to be one conversion scene in the book for it to be considered a Christian fictional book. When did this requirement come to an end?
I think I need to check this series out, because I know Deborah loves it too.
Sounds like a great series. I'm adding them to my wish list based on your review! :)
I think I need to check out this series for my teen daughters
I am consumed with getting my hands on this book now. Great review! Thanks!
Sheri--I liked it better than Miracle Girls so I think you'll like it! :)
Jill--it is a fun book...but also made me cry. :)
Julie-I think you'd like them and good for Booking Daughter in a few years.
April--I love the cover, too!
Holly--it is!
Melanie--I hope you do!
Thomas--not anymore. ;)
Kathy--Yes yes you should! We have good taste. ;)
Amee--I hope you get a chance to read them.
Renee--DEFINITELY! I hope they enjoy.
Wanda--I hope you get it!
I don't know. Their chicklit was so bad,
I am unsure if I can handle more from this duo.
However, your stating that it is a great YA makes me want to try it. There are so few offerings in the Christian YA department that it might be nice to find something new.
I am always skeptical of two authors combining to write one book. In my experience, it has never boded well ---and these two have a less-than-perfect track record with me---only because their foray into fiction featured very stereotypical damsels who need to be rescued and slipshod plots rehashed and told again and again....
I hope these are brainier---for the sake of the susceptible minds they are targeted towards!
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