Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Weekly Review Bloggiesta Style

I sort of had a mini Bloggiesta last weekend and I think it has seriously affected my ability to get a lot done this weekend! The moment a distraction came up, I was there! Plus, I'm just really exhausted for some reason, and I think it's a good idea to just sleep.

In any case, here's what I managed to get done as part of Bloggiesta. It's not much, and I probably only logged about 6 hours. But all in all, something's better than nothing, right? My original to-do list included a lot of stuff I wanted to get done and here's what I managed to do:

*1 of 3 reviews written
*Signed up for Indiebound affiliate and got an email from Jen on how to making linking easier.
*Signed up for a program to use on my blog and tested it with others for an event next week. (this took a long time because I had to find it!) and also solicited help for event and brainstormed via email with another blogger.

*Not on my original to-do list, but I finished Season 2 of Supernatural (I was seriously behind Elizabeth) and answered her questions for next week as well wrote mine for her for the rest of the season.
*Scheduled a blog tour post for Monday.

Pathetic!!! But the truth is I could easily be chained to this computer 24/7 and when my mind and body are telling me I need a break, I listen because it will only be better for the blog overall. I did a lot of unwinding and having fun this weekend, talking to friends, etc.

I think Bloggiesta officially ends tomorrow at noon, but I'll probably be tackling some of these things for long into the week. I hope you all had a successful Bloggiesta!



ANovelMenagerie said...

Listen to mind/body... it's okay to sleep and take a break!

Beth Kephart said...

It is MORE than okay to take a break.

It is the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

"the truth is I could easily be chained to this computer 24/7"

Oh my goodness... I so feel you there. I couldn't fall asleep until 3:30 last night because my brain was buzzing with all the things I need to do to improve... and I didn't even sign up for Bloggiesta (wish I had)! Just reading everyone's posts about it has got me thinking.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Glad I could be a part of your weekend :)

bermudaonion said...

You're right - there is so much out there, that we could be chained to these machines all the time. Sometimes you just have to step away. At least you made a dent in your to do list.

Lezlie said...

No need to feel bad, Amy. You do so much on a regular basis, I don't know how you keep it all straight! You do an awesome job all the time!


Beth F said...

This was the first weekend in ages I didn't have to work. No being chained to PC for me!

Melanie said...

I'm excited to see what the event for next week is! I'm glad you had a relaxing weekend. Thos are the best!

Heidenkind said...

I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to, either, but I still had fun. :)

Jenners said...

I imagine you might need a break from your blog sometimes ... you are very prolific! I go through stages where I feel a little burnt out and then I take a break and come back renewed.

Debbie's World of Books said...

Every bit helps right? Probably just had a weekend that demanded rest. I keep hearing about Supernatural and need to check it out!

Sheila DeChantal said...

Just cruising through the Bloggiesta participant blogs and meeting my fellow book bloggers. I like the look of your blog and the layout.

Ruth King said...

Amy, you still got a lot accomplished even though you don't think you did. Relaxing and recharging your batteries are a huge part of a successful blog, too.

Dawn - She is Too Fond of Books said...

I'm so curious about your upcoming event!!

I didn't "do" Bloggiesta at all ... too much on my family schedule this weekend. But I did add a lot of ideas to my "to do" list, and a blogging friend encouraged me to take it one task at a time (rather than be overwhelmed by the entire list)

Jenny Girl said...

You may not have gotten everything done, but at least you did some of it. And now you have a list of things to do for the future, right?
You should be proud.
Good job.

Natasha @ Maw Books said...

So *ahem* I'm making my way through the wrap up posts. Every weekend is Bloggiesta anyways! 6 hours is 6 hours of fun!

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