Friday, November 6, 2009

Faith 'n' Fiction Saturday: What Makes a Book Stick?

Welcome to Faith'n'Fiction Saturday! If this is your first time participating, please read this post to learn more!

Two Announcements!

1) Deborah and I are a hosting a reading challenge to encourage the reading of the Christy nominated and awarded books. If you sign up by November 15th, you have the chance to win some pretty fantastic books (hint: recent Christy winners!) I hope you'll go sign up and and join in the fun of a year of discovering some great Christian fiction!

2) Now that twitter has lists, I want to make a list of Faith'n'Fiction participants who tweet! So if you participate in Faith'n'Fiction Saturday and you use twitter, please leave a comment with your twitter name and I'll make a list!

Today's Question and my Answer all Mixed Up in One:

As I was going through the Christy list to try to pick a few top recommendations, I realized that nearly every book that made it onto my top list of recommendations had a small, specific part of the book that was incredibly thought provoking to me. Something that I still come back to contemplate or see as a turning point in the way I think about things. And I realized that sometimes it's not the big package that makes a book meaningful, but all of the little treasures inside as well. I will never get over this amazing mystery of reading, that the simple turn of a phrase can open up understanding or meaning to something. And that's what makes a book really stick for me... a new way of thinking about things, or a new way of feeling.

What about you? What makes a book memorable long after you've turned the last page? The characters? The surprising plot? The spiritual truth? The gorgeous writing?

Just write up your answer and drop your permalink below!


Stormi said...

Not many answering the question to day. I just wanted to stop by with my twitter id ladystorm33

Anonymous said...

For me it is the force and meaningfulness of thought that most speak to me. If it is packaged with strong characters and a gripping plot, it may well add up to a masterpiece. You may be interested in my new release, Angela 1: Starting Over as a piece of thought-provoking Christian fiction. Just in case you want to check it out, see

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Just back in town from Honduras and missed the last two Saturdays question. I do plan on participating in the future and I do twitter.

My twitter name is bookjourney

Looking at this weeks question, I have to say a book sticks with me when it says something that hits home for me. Sometimes a biblical quote or the way something is worded just causes me to pause.

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