Welcome to Bloggiesta #4 amigos!
Are you wondering what Bloggiesta is and what you're doing here?
Bloggiesta is:
In short, it’s a blogging marathon. A opportunity to cross those nagging items off of your to-do list and improve your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers doing the same thing. Our awesome mascot Pedro (Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize) is ready to break out the nachos, enchiladas, drinks, mariachi music and whack a pinata or two! It’s nothing short of an awesome fiesta!
I am welcoming you here today to discuss goals for your blog. Since it's the start of the new year, you may have already made some resolutions, but now's a good chance to really consider what YOU want YOUR blog to be.
There are many things to consider when evaluating your blog and deciding on goals. There are many different kinds of goals you can make as well. But first you might want to consider your blog as a whole.
I have a story to share with you. I have been blogging for close to six years and simply can't imagine my life without it. My blog has gone through many changes during that time, and suffered from a lame name the entire time. But recently I heard an author say, "write the book you want to read." When I applied that to my blog, it completely changed the way I viewed blogging. I realized I wasn't writing the blog I wanted to read. I decided to set out to write a blog I would want to read. So that's my major goal for 2011...to keep trying to write the blog I want to read.
How about you? What are your goals for 2011? Do you set blogging goals? Or do you just go where the spirit takes you?
Here are some things to consider when making blogging goals.
- Think about you blog as a whole. Do you feel that your blog reflects who you are as a person? Do you have a mission statement or purpose for your blog, and if so, are you meeting it?
- What isn't working? Are there design elements or technical problems you'd like to change or fix?
- What do you love about your blog? What do you think you're doing right?
- What do you wish you could do with your blog?
- What are your favorite blogs to read? (not your favorite bloggers as people!) Why do you love them? Can you figure out what they have in common?
Now that you've considered these things, it's time to think of some concrete goals. One of the worst parts about making goals is that it can seem overwhelming. So it's really helpful if you make goals according to what can reasonably be accomplished. For example:
My overarching goal for 2011 is to write a blog I want to read.
By July, I'd like to have move my blog to wordpress with a new design and higher functionality.
By March, I'd like to have developed a rhythm and schedule for posting so that I'm not always flying by the seat of my pants.
By Sunday, I'd like to have changed my RSS buttons and be caught up on reviews.
As you can see, I have a lot of goals, but I've set them out according to timeline so they seem a bit more reasonable. This is one way of tackling your blogging goals.
If you'd like to participate in this mini-challenge, I need you to do the following.
1) Make sure you're signed up for Bloggiesta!
2) Leave a comment and tell me what some of your blogging goals are after reflecting on the above questions. Even if you have no goals, tell me that your goal is to have no goals.
Everyone who follows the above two steps will be entered to win a prize from a publisher!
Good luck everyone and have a fabulous Bloggiesta!

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