Sunday, February 27, 2011

Frederick Buechner Week

This week, I'll be focusing my posts on author Frederick Buechner.

I have a few guest posts, and will round up links to reviews and other essays about his work and influence. If you post a review of a Buechner book this week, or would like to post thoughts on his work, please feel free to email with your link.

Frederick Buechner is a writer and theologian. While I am still relatively new to his work, this week is an effort to increase recognition of his work and influence. He has over thirty published books, and his book Godric, a past Faith and Fiction Round Table selection, was nominated for the Pulitizer Prize. His work is noted for its observation of grace in everyday life.

I look forward to sharing this week with you, and sincerely hope the result is that you pick up some of his work and read it for yourself.


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