Friday, May 27, 2011

BBAW 2011--I Need Help

Hey everyone!

It's the time of year that I turn my thoughts to the annual celebration of Book Blogger Appreciation Week. It's this September from the 12th to the 16th. BBAW is like an online festival for book bloggers where we get together (virtually) and celebrate one another! There's giveaways, awards, guest posts from around the blogosphere, etc. I need help pulling it off!

If you have time to help please fill out this form! Keep in mind that I really need people who can follow through on commitments and don't mind working hard! Here are the areas:

Awards: Staffing judging panels, figuring out the technical aspects, transferring data, making spreadsheets, emailing, etc. It's a load of work.

Publicity: Creating excitement for the event, tweeting and facebooking, answering general questions and emails, writing press releases, reaching out to bloggers and working hard to spread the word.

Giveaways: Not gonna lie this is a TON of work! Reaching out to sponsors, creating contests and giveaways, emailing winners and then following up with sponsors. Also, working out ways to make giveaways as international as possible.

HELP ME! I love you all.


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