Saturday, August 13, 2011

Faith and Fiction Saturday Round Table: Small Town Sinners by Melissa Walker

The most recent read for the Faith and Fiction Round Table was Small Town Sinners by Melissa Walker which is the story of Lacey Byer a young conservative evangelical teen growing up in a small town. Every year her church puts on a Hell House and this year Lacey is forced to confront some questions about the things she's always believed.

In some ways I could really identify with Lacey's story. I am also a pastor's daughter who grew up in a fairly conservative evangelical family. I started to question my faith much earlier than Lacey did--I think I had the benefit of living in a city and going to a public school where I was constantly confronted with different ideas. Most of my best friends weren't believers...even so I think it took years for me to actually come around to realizing I didn't have to have all the answers.

Living with questions can be really hard and I understand why it's really unattractive for some people. At the end of the day, I sometimes think we're just wired differently. The confines of black and white can lead to despair for some people, while the grey areas are harder for others.

One thing that has held true throughout my life is my belief in God, though. Even when I don't know exactly the shape He takes or the best way to love him in every situation, I have never known how not to see the world with God.

Other Participants:
Book Addiction, Books and Movies, The Ignorant Historian, My Random Thoughts, The 3rs Blog, TinasBookreviews


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This book made me inexplicably sad for Lacey - not because she was asking questions, but because there wasn't a single adult she felt like she could confide in. I think parents really do their children a disservice when they don't allow them to ask questions.
Great thoughts Amy... everyone seems to be mello on this one.except for me..I went a little crazy on my post...:D
I was disappointed by book. I felt the author took the easy way out writing this story.

I spent much of my life without God. I'm glad that He loves me a bum who struggles and fight with his faith.

I am posting on Tuesday and have seem a similar pattern through the reviews I have read from the group today. I liked the book but did not like it as much as I thought I was going to.

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