Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Class of 2K12 Interview with AC Gaughen, Author of Scarlet

Throughout the year I'll be bringing you some interviews with the authors over at the Class of 2K12! I hope you will enjoy getting to know these authors and thoughts on their books better. Today I'm bringing you an interview with AC Gaughen. Her book, Scarlet, comes out today!

Do you share any similarities with your characters?

God yes. Scarlet and I are super grumpy. I really wanted to write a heroine that was honest to God grumpy pretty often, because I am worse than a grizzly bear some times, and I would like to personally lead a revolution to make that seem endearing rather than obnoxious. Step 1: SCARLET

How did your book change from the first draft to the final draft?

It got bigger. I had to pad out a few scenes and explain a little more--I’m guilty of underwriting when it comes to Scarlet.

What kind of research did you have to do for the book?

A lot! Did you know leading research would have me believe that Robin Hood was not actually a real person, but more likely a bard’s amalgamation of several different thieves over a range of about 200 years? And yet it’s one of the most culturally revisited legends in the English language.

How did you react when you saw the cover of your book?

I went all Rachel Zoe and I died. In a good, fashionable way. I love the cover and I think Walker did an insanely awesome job and the cover artists is ludicrously talented.

Who is your ideal reader?

I think my ideal reader is me at fifteen--a girl who wants to really get out there and start taking names, and wants to see herself in a novel with a heroine who is good at something other than simpering. Or gasping.

Would you rather deal with an alien invasion or a zombie apocalypse?

Oh definitely the zombies. I think I would fare better, and I’ll tell you why: over the past several years, I keep trying to learn to run. I read SHAPE and SELF and lots of magazines that start with S and I try and it just doesn’t stick. Aliens would have to be very spry to invade, and I feel there would be a lot of running involved, possibly with dirt streaked across my face. Terrible runner and my pores just can’t handle the dirt. In a zombie apocalypse, I could definitely use my wits to aid me. And possibly a large tank.

About Scarlet: SCARLET is a retelling of the Robin Hood legend. Most of Nottinghamshire knows Will Scarlet: a quick and clever thief that sticks to the shadows and protects the band without question, but even those that know Scarlet’s really a girl don’t know the secrets of her past, like how she got the scar on her cheek. Guy of Gisbourne may be the one person who does: and he was just hired to bring Robin Hood and his gang to the gallows.

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