Look at the frowny face on Santa and tell me that is not the most presh thing you have seen in awhile. UGH SO CUTE. That's what drew me to this charming picture book about Santa who is facing some post-holiday blues. And boy is he ever. He's very down and everyone's trying everything to cheer him up. I bet you can't guess what finally works---unless you know something about the Christmas spirit! Don't miss this one! Still time to get it for next year or it's actually perfect for the post-Holiday blues.
This is a really cute novella about a father down on his financial luck trying to find a way to make sure he has enough money to keep custody of his son during the holidays. He takes up street performing as the Ghost of Christmas Present and all kinds of things happen. There's a tiny hint of romance, lots of inspiration, and everything is neatly wrapped up with a bow on top by the end. I sped through it pretty quickly and expect to see it as a movie for Hallmark soon!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays everyone! I'll be back later next week with my favorite books of the year and reading goals for 2013. I hope you have a wonderful holiday if you celebrate, and if you don't, well take care anyway!

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