Syfy has a new show coming on called Defiance which, to be honest, does not look like my sort of thing.'s set in St. Louis. I know this because every piece of advertising for the show looks like this:

Yes that's the broken St. Louis Arch in the background. On that alone, I want to watch the first episode of the show at least because it's SO RARE to find good stories set in St. Louis. And this will obviously be not the St. Louis of today but one in some weird futuristic world. Even so, I am somewhat hopeful that they allow the St. Louis that was to affect whatever type of city they now call Defiance.
I was thinking about this some more when I saw this tweet from @jocemiller about Curtis Sittenfeld's upcoming novel, Sisterland being set in St. Louis. I had no interest in this book before but now I do.
I don't know why St. Louis isn't utilized more in fiction. It's a fascinating city. I know I'm a bit biased because I still and always will think of it as my hometown. But it really has an interesting history that continues to affect the city today. It's also just a really nice city, probably the last city you hit in the plains with an "Eastern" feel and yet distinctly midwestern. (It's also a really great place to visit on a budget because of a lot of the tourist sites are free) It's also home to Ted Drewes and the St. Louis Cardinals. I mean...what else could you want?
Anyway, I'm excited these upcoming stories take place in St. Louis, but I'm curious about other great books (or movies) that take place there. I thought of:
Meet Me in St. Louis (I haven't read the short stories/essays? that the movie is based on but I will! Maybe this year!)
Aaaand that's it.
Help me! Do you know of some great books or movies or TV shows (I think there was a short lived sitcom set in St. Louis) set in St.Louis?
Let's make a list! I'll post it--obviously if you do some digging/research that's fine, but what I'm really looking for here are personal recommendations from you.

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