I only had time to read one Christmas book this year unfortunately, and it was this one, fortunately!
I really enjoyed this collection a lot. I realize it's now Christmas and you may think the time is past for such a book...but not really. You have a whole week still to enjoy the festive stories and beyond if you are not particularly bothered by theme. But the collection starts off with a swoon worthy romantic New Year's Eve story so as you can see..STILL TIME.
The Rainbow Rowell opening story is one of my favorites. I actually read it last year and then again this year because I love how well she captures that changing time in life from going to college from high school but also the romance. She describes that love feeling in a way that gives me butterflies even when the romances are less than ideal. Can't help i t!
But there are other good stories in here one that reminded me of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever and allowed faith to play a role, and one that included a young Jewish girl during Christmas as well. There's some fantasy, too! The Matt Pena story offered a much needed POV from a male and was one of my favorites, too.
The one that did make me tear up a bit was Kiersten White's story about a girl who lives in a small Californian town called Christmas. It was such a quintessential Christmas story to me, a little magic of Christmas! a little romance! a little realizing not everything is as it seems and things are actually better! a lot of love. Just precious. Please consider it (and actually any of these stories) for a movie next year Hallmark or Lifetime or Ion--your movies this year were pretty terrible.
Anyway recommended enthusiastically for lovers of YA and lovers of Christmas stories--totally enjoyable.
I did receive a copy of this book for review.

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